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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Somebody stop me, I'm thinking [with crap pics]
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Andrew Message #63104, posted by andrew at 14:44, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63088
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Somebody port Frontier First Encounters.
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James Lampard Message #63106, posted by Lampi at 16:04, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63087

Posts: 190
Elite did have missions that you could succeed in, giving some sense of victory - just not in the Electron version, which is what I had. We had to make our own fun in those days ;)
So the Electron really was the poor man's BBC - "The Electron version is exactly the same as the BBC version in every detail.....except the last two thirds of the game are missing, so you can't win!" :P

I never had Elite on my Electron.
As the BBC Cassette version didn't have the mission's either this is a totaly spurious point.
Also You don't have to complete the mission's to become Elite.
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Richard Goodwin Message #63109, posted by rich at 16:09, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63106
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Elite did have missions that you could succeed in, giving some sense of victory - just not in the Electron version, which is what I had. We had to make our own fun in those days ;)
So the Electron really was the poor man's BBC - "The Electron version is exactly the same as the BBC version in every detail.....except the last two thirds of the game are missing, so you can't win!" :P

I never had Elite on my Electron.
As the BBC Cassette version didn't have the mission's either this is a totaly spurious point.
Also You don't have to complete the mission's to become Elite.
All granted, James, but not really the point. The Electron version didn't have suns or Thargoids either, so it really was a poor man's version. Luckily, I'm also elite on the Arc version.

And this is one of the games I've played the most in my lifetime? Sheesh! :)
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James Lampard Message #63111, posted by Lampi at 16:16, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63109

Posts: 190
All granted, James, but not really the point. The Electron version didn't have suns or Thargoids either, so it really was a poor man's version. Luckily, I'm also elite on the Arc version.

And this is one of the games I've played the most in my lifetime? Sheesh! :)
Okay, I recall the Superior BBC cassete version had Thargoids and the sun, but did the original Acornsoft version? [goes to stairway to hell to download]

I spent a lot of time playing the Electron version too. I thought it was pretty reasonable considering the limitations of the machine.
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Tony Haines Message #63115, posted by Loris at 17:58, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63047
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Someone tell me what game to write! :P
Have you read the uplift books, by David Brin?

The books are good, but never mind the plots for now.

They are set in a universe which has not one, but many ways of beating light-speed. I suggest you write something like a cross between Elite, Exile and Ascendancy.

One ship per player. (Multi-player or networked as you choose, design accordingly but start with a working one-player game)
An overlying story arc, probably involving an intergalctic war. Probably implies missions.
Many species, communicating with the expedient animated grunt method.

This game shouldn't take itself too seriously.

Most importantly: *diverse* means of travel. I want travel by hyperspace, infra-space, teleportal (gated, long-distance instant travel), warp-space, witch-space and more. All these have different challenges and benefits.

... and *diverse* real-space environments. These should include densely as well as sparsely-packed stuff of different sizes, including asteroids, Oort clouds, space-junk, meteor storms. Different places need different backgrounds: near the sun should be red. Interstellar dust clouds would of course be black.
All of this necessitates multiple viewing methods. Standard visible light, infra-red, gravity, magnetic, radar, plus more as gameplay dictates.

2d would be fine.
Just use whatever engine is to hand. Provided its deficiencies are not too restrictive, you should work around them and save things you can't do for other games.

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Jeffrey Lee Message #63118, posted by Phlamethrower at 18:24, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63082
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I'm thinking that you'd need supplies on route, so you could go quite far without having to interact with someone, but at some point you'd need to get hold of stuff.

So it's not so much never-ending waves of enemies, it's the constant tough choices as to what you're willing to do to get the supplies you need.
Well if you find yourself in the middle of a city full of mutants, then it'll pretty much be never-ending waves of enemies until you can work your way to the edge and escape. If I place the big corporate buildings in the middle of the cities (so all the best supplies will be stored there), then it would give the player an incentive to try and reach there. Especially if there are a few working aircraft around so they can get a free ride in/out ;)

Out in the desert though, it will be smaller, infrequent encounters like the ones you describe. During the day you'll probably get convoys driving along the roads, and at night you might find a few of them who have stopped for the night.

Perhaps you could even have combat and legal status type stuff as part of the setup. If you kill kids to take candy, you might get a rep that means villagers won't come near you, making trading harder (but maybe soldiers will like you more?); if you kill soldiers then perhaps you'll have problems passing check points, or entering larger towns; and if you're a stone-cold killer, apart from adding to your strength/stamina/perception stats, perhaps you'll be asked to do bounty hunting or assassination missions...?
Maybe. I think there'll be too much anarchy for the corporations to bother tracking every criminal. Although being able to work for the different corporations would be nice, I don't think there'll be much in the way of missions in this game.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #63119, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:13, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63115
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Someone tell me what game to write! :P
Have you read the uplift books, by David Brin?

I suggest you write something like a cross between Elite, Exile and Ascendancy.
Haven't played the last two :P

One ship per player. (Multi-player or networked as you choose, design accordingly but start with a working one-player game)
Multi-player/networked? :basilbrush:

Most importantly: *diverse* means of travel. I want travel by hyperspace, infra-space, teleportal (gated, long-distance instant travel), warp-space, witch-space and more. All these have different challenges and benefits.
What are the different ranges/speeds/technologies/etc for each of these?

Teleporting is fairly obvious (Break you down into itty bitty pieces and reconstruct you at the other end), witch-space presumably involves breaking into a different universe/reality which is highly interconnected with our one, thus allowing a small trip through witch-space to result in a long trip through normal space. Warp-space I assume involves bending space around the ship in order to result in faster-than-light motion... but will this be a short or long range travel technique? Hyperspace and infra-space presumably involve vanishing into some higher/lower dimension or whatnot, but there are undoubtedly numerous different versions of what they are and what they're capable of. Give a description of each one and how it's needed and I might be able to build it into a game.

... and *diverse* real-space environments. These should include densely as well as sparsely-packed stuff of different sizes, including asteroids, Oort clouds, space-junk, meteor storms. Different places need different backgrounds: near the sun should be red. Interstellar dust clouds would of course be black.
All of this necessitates multiple viewing methods. Standard visible light, infra-red, gravity, magnetic, radar, plus more as gameplay dictates.
Easy enough

2d would be fine.
But that requires drawing lots of sprites! :(

Just use whatever engine is to hand.
Half-finished 3d engine which is being developed to support most of what you've described... nope, still needs more work.
Numerous platformer engines written in BASIC which use a crappy sprite plotter... nope
Vague skeleton of a roguelike engine written in C... nope
Wolfenstein 3D-style graphics engine... nope
Half-finished 2D racing game engine... nope
Crappy voxel landscape engine... nope
(Other, long forgotten engine, which may/may not exist)... nope

A new engine written from scratch could do most/all of what you describe:

* Assume space has friction. Use fixed point math (say 16.16 format) for the player location, and a scale of 1 unit = 1 meter. This will give a 64km by 64km area the player can fly around in; travel beyond that will require one of the faster-than-light methods, which would result in the object list being cleared and repopulated according to the objects that should be at the destination. If long-distance sub-light travel is required than extra checks could be implemented to watch for the player vanishing off one edge of the map. The fact that each sector is only generated as you enter it will allow for easy addition of different environments.
* A larger coordinate system would relate each of those sectors to the location within the solar system. An even larger coordinate system would then relate those solar systems to locations in the galaxy/universe/whatever; but depending on how you describe the FTL travel techniques you may or may not be able to visit the empty space between stars (in which case the coordinates would just be used for the star chart).
* Planetary flight is presumably impossible. Planets/stars you are near may be represented as a large sprite in the background (say one or two times the size of the screen).
* What about ships and ship fittings? You say that you have one ship per player - but does that discount being able to upgrade to a new ship or to buy new guns/etc. for your current one? Presumably if there's a big war going on and you're fighting in it then you'll need to change to different ships for different battles.
* Each object will have several different sets of sprites, one for each visible spectrum. My rotated sprite plotter produces acceptable results (especially if there's a 1-pixel transparent boarder around the sprites), so only 1 rotation of each object will be needed.
* If there are missions and a storyline, the simplest solution would be to have the intergalactic war under the control of the mission system. And since it's an intergalactic war with multiple alien races, presumably you'll only have the chance to work for one side, which will also simplify things somewhat.
* I do have some ideas for stuff, but the ships involved are far too big to be visualised in a 2D game. Should Dark Matter actually reach completion, you have been warned :P
[edit]* Also you mention Exile... now I know that Exile doesn't involve much flying around in space ships, so does this mean that there'll be out-of-ship platformery bits?[/edit]

Challenge? CHALLENGE? :o

Is this the kind of challenge where you'll just sit back and do nothing, or are you man enough to challenge me to a coding duel? I demand satisfaction! :slappingwithglovesmiley:

[Edited by Phlamethrower at 19:17, 9/3/2005]
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Tony Haines Message #63123, posted by Loris at 20:08, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63119
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Have you read the uplift books, by David Brin?
You might like them... Start with Sundiver.

One ship per player. (Multi-player or networked as you choose, design accordingly but start with a working one-player game)
Multi-player/networked? :basilbrush:
To actually have a chance of 'finishing', although you might plan it, don't rely on it until single-player is working.

Most importantly: *diverse* means of travel. I want travel by hyperspace, infra-space, teleportal (gated, long-distance instant travel), warp-space, witch-space and more. All these have different challenges and benefits.
What are the different ranges/speeds/technologies/etc for each of these?
We can fake these up when we need to, on gameplay necessity. The important thing is not what they are called, but that they are very different.
(I didn't list them based on the books I mentioned. Just bear in mind the concept of different travel methods)
Gated travel is instantaneious, but does require a gate at each end.
Faster travel methods should 'feel' faster - so one could involve hurtling down a set of branching tunnels, another might be slingshoting round attracting objects to get to exit-points.
A 'slower' method might be based around the concept of floating round thin films like bubbles, and so on. These, and other concepts can be developed these further as necessary.
Each one of these would of course be necessary for different purposes, or just because they don't all cover the whole universe. All must be interesting.

... and *diverse* real-space environments. These should include densely as well as sparsely-packed stuff of different sizes, including asteroids, Oort clouds, space-junk, meteor storms. Different places need different backgrounds: near the sun should be red. Interstellar dust clouds would of course be black.
All of this necessitates multiple viewing methods. Standard visible light, infra-red, gravity, magnetic, radar, plus more as gameplay dictates.
Easy enough
Might not be. Gravitic view for example would involve tracking contours, or some form of scaling beta-ball-like plot.

2d would be fine.
But that requires drawing lots of sprites! :(
Hey, space-ships are not all that hard. Particularly if your sprite-plotter will rotate them for you. OK, so you might need quite a lot, but even I could manage something.
Bigger ships can be generated from tiled stuff close-up, although I suppose that might make rotating more difficult.

Just use whatever engine is to hand.
Half-finished 3d engine which is being developed to support most of what you've described... nope, still needs more work.
Numerous platformer engines written in BASIC which use a crappy sprite plotter... nope
Vague skeleton of a roguelike engine written in C... nope
Wolfenstein 3D-style graphics engine... nope
Half-finished 2D racing game engine... nope
Crappy voxel landscape engine... nope
(Other, long forgotten engine, which may/may not exist)... nope
I thought you had a set of routines for drawing sprites you were happy with now? Maybe that was someone else..

A new engine written from scratch could do most/all of what you describe:

* Assume space has friction.
No! that is the sort of thing that should vary by area.

* Planetary flight is presumably impossible. Planets/stars you are near may be represented as a large sprite in the background (say one or two times the size of the screen).
Perhaps. Doesn't matter too much.
What is important is getting from one interesting place to another interesting place. Since most of space is empty, we can basically ignore it.

* What about ships and ship fittings? You say that you have one ship per player - but does that discount being able to upgrade to a new ship or to buy new guns/etc. for your current one?
No, one ship as opposed to controlling a fleet.

Presumably if there's a big war going on and you're fighting in it then you'll need to change to different ships for different battles.
Perhaps, but more likely equipping the one ship with different sensors, or travel-related equipment. I've always liked the idea of the directable shields the Millenium Falcon had, but dogfighting combat shouldn't be too big a part of the game. Duelling with nukes or kinetic impact missiles might be more interesting.

* Each object will have several different sets of sprites, one for each visible spectrum. My rotated sprite plotter produces acceptable results (especially if there's a 1-pixel transparent boarder around the sprites), so only 1 rotation of each object will be needed.
For many of the plots, I was imagining that no extra sprites would be required. Instead, custom plotters. Heh, sorry.

* I do have some ideas for stuff, but the ships involved are far too big to be visualised in a 2D game. Should Dark Matter actually reach completion, you have been warned :P
Heh, in the game (name not disclosed, I think it is fantastic), most ships would tend to fit under a single pixel in many plots.

[edit]* Also you mention Exile... now I know that Exile doesn't involve much flying around in space ships, so does this mean that there'll be out-of-ship platformery bits?[/edit]
I can't remember why I mentioned Exile. Try not to over-reach yourself with multiple different genres. Instead, incorporate them into the one system ;)

Challenge? CHALLENGE? :o

Is this the kind of challenge where you'll just sit back and do nothing, or are you man enough to challenge me to a coding duel? I demand satisfaction! :slappingwithglovesmiley:
Heh, moral support?
I've got plenty of ideas of my own, and all of them are floundering for lack of programming time. Doesn't help that I'm such a slow git, either.
But with someone enthusiastic, maybe that could change.

Myself I can code in Basic and ARM *, but I'm no genius in either, so if working together I guess we might have to have separate spheres of control. And still might have interfacing issues.

*(and Perl, a little)

But if you want me to work with you on this, I want to have some creative input, and also... to use my special name for it.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #63127, posted by Phlamethrower at 21:24, 9/3/2005, in reply to message #63123
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
To actually have a chance of 'finishing', although you might plan it, don't rely on it until single-player is working.
If I was writing it I probably wouldn't involve multiplayer at all ;)

Faster travel methods should 'feel' faster - so one could involve hurtling down a set of branching tunnels, another might be slingshoting round attracting objects to get to exit-points.
A 'slower' method might be based around the concept of floating round thin films like bubbles, and so on. These, and other concepts can be developed these further as necessary.
Each one of these would of course be necessary for different purposes, or just because they don't all cover the whole universe. All must be interesting.
So the different travel methods are interactive? e.g. if you're going through branching tunnels, the player has to select the right branch each time or run the risk of coming out somewhere completely different to where he wants? Now I see the motivation for having the different types. If you're a good pilot then you can take the fast and risky route, or stick with the slow & safe (i.e. flown by autopilot) route.

Might not be. Gravitic view for example would involve tracking contours, or some form of scaling beta-ball-like plot.
Well, that one might be tricky. But the others shouldn't be ;)

Hey, space-ships are not all that hard.
True. But recolouring polygons or detonating a polygon mesh is a lot easier than recolouring sprites or drawing explosion graphics :)

Bigger ships can be generated from tiled stuff close-up, although I suppose that might make rotating more difficult.
I could probably write a tiled rotatey plotter thing if big tiled ships are needed.

I thought you had a set of routines for drawing sprites you were happy with now?
Yes - but sprite plotters on their own are hardly an engine. The "Numerous platformer engines written in BASIC which use a crappy sprite plotter" use a plotter which is 6+ years old, limited to 256 colour screens which are 320 or 640 pixels wide, uses a fairly obtuse format, doesn't support rotation (but does support scaling), is written in hand-coded assembler, doesn't particularly support the notion of multiple users, and compiles to a non-32bit compatible module which uses an unregistered name and SWI base. My latest set of plotters, on the other hand, supports numerous colour depths and mask types (including plotting a sprite in one colour depth to a screen in another colour depth), an easily extensible sprite format, the plotters are written in runtime compiled, machine-generated assembler (There are hundreds of different plotter combinations, so having them all precompiled would add around 100k to the size of the code. Plus if they were entirely hand written then 1 bug could require me to rewrite 20 or so related plotters. Having them partially machine generated means that they won't always be the most optimal plotter, but that's an acceptable compromise), supports multiple users (Simply because it's compiled as part of the executable, not to a module. But even if it was a module it would work OK because it uses pointers to sprite pools instead of index numbers into a central array), is 32bit compatible, and supports rotating/scaling (But doesn't yet support preshifted sprites. Those will be added "soon" :)).

* Assume space has friction.
No! that is the sort of thing that should vary by area.

Without friction, you'll be able to accelerate to crazy speeds. This will make 16x16km very small, so you'll need to use a bigger coordinate system - say 64bit math, 48.16 format. This is the same that Dark Matter uses, and is large enough to fit a solar system into. If space doesn't have friction then presumably we're going for the full newtonian pie, so planets and other objects will have gravitational fields. All major structures in a system (stars, planets, moons, stations, gates) will therefore have to have the correct orbital paths, and will be loaded into the game world when you enter the solar system. However when you're flying along at several thousand km per second, a small top-down 2D view will become restrictive, so you'll probably want to be able to zoom your view (Which is easy enough to do), or switch to 3D. A zooming view should let the player zoom out very far, far enough to theoretically see thousands or millions of space ships clustered round stations and planets - so you're either going to have to be able to process a lot of space ships, or make it so that the size of object your sensor can detect is inversely proportional to its distance. The fact that space is no longer grid-based means that generating encounters with ships or bits of scenery (Oort clouds, space junk, etc) will be a lot trickier.

Perhaps. Doesn't matter too much.
So you want a 2D space game with newtonian physics and planetary flight? :o

Duelling with nukes or kinetic impact missiles might be more interesting.
So large-scale, long-distance, tactical battles as opposed to the more usual arcadey close-range dog fights? That'll imply a fairly zoomed out view to start with (say, 1000km by 1000km), which means that the grid-based approach may still be workable (The grids will be a thousand or so times larger than before, so will still take several seconds to cross unless you spend all day with your foot on the accelerator)

For many of the plots, I was imagining that no extra sprites would be required. Instead, custom plotters. Heh, sorry.
What kind of custom plotter? Just colour translation, or some other fancy effect? E.g. would it be possible to put the sprites through a translation algorithm beforehand, and then use the standard plotters?

Heh, in the game (name not disclosed, I think it is fantastic), most ships would tend to fit under a single pixel in many plots.
Ah, so it is a large scale game. You could have said sooner :P

If it's such large scale then a tactical view might be best, rather than one showing each ship rotated & scaled accordingly. Just plot a nice display showing what the ship is and a line giving its trajectory.

If you truly are thinking big, then it will be interesting to see how your big ships compare to mine :P

Heh, moral support?
Yup, pretty much. If people aren't interested in what a program you're writing then you'll usually end up losing interest yourself and forgetting about it.

But with someone enthusiastic, maybe that could change.

And still might have interfacing issues.
Yup - I'd much rather write it all in C/ARM than BASIC/ARM. And usually the only ARM that would be needed would be the sprite plotters, which are mostly written already and are generated from an obtusely formatted run-time assembler written in C. So there's very little recognisable assembler there, either ;)

But if you want me to work with you on this, I want to have some creative input, and also... to use my special name for it.
I was more envisaging us working against each other, and seeing who could complete the game first :(

But working with each other is OK as well :)

You can have all the creative input you want - you're the one who's come up with the idea, and know how it should all work. Depending on how ambitious the design is, you may be able to convince me to write it in BASIC. But if it needs a WIMP interface, fixed point math, extensive sprite plotters, 3D graphics, code profiling, transformation matricies/3D vector maths, or lots of speed, then I'd much rather write it in C and use my WOUM library :)
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Richard Goodwin Message #63169, posted by rich at 09:45, 10/3/2005, in reply to message #63118
Dictator for life
Posts: 6828
Perhaps you could even have combat and legal status type stuff as part of the setup.
Maybe. I think there'll be too much anarchy for the corporations to bother tracking every criminal.
I wasn't thinking of tracking it "properly", more a sort of word-of-mouth rep. It could diminish as you put some distance between you and the screne of your last crime.

Even if there aren't witnesses to your crimes (as you've killed every mofo in the room), there'd still be more suspicion of a drifter if a whole patrol fails to return.
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Tony Haines Message #63174, posted by Loris at 14:19, 10/3/2005, in reply to message #63127
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
If I was writing it I probably wouldn't involve multiplayer at all ;)
Fine by me.

So the different travel methods are interactive? e.g. if you're going through branching tunnels, the player has to select the right branch each time or run the risk of coming out somewhere completely different to where he wants? Now I see the motivation for having the different types. If you're a good pilot then you can take the fast and risky route, or stick with the slow & safe (i.e. flown by autopilot) route.
Unless you want to make a film then yes. ;)

Might not be. Gravitic view for example would involve tracking contours, or some form of scaling beta-ball-like plot.
Well, that one might be tricky. But the others shouldn't be ;)
Well, since the idea is that they should be inherently different, each would have to be developed 'from scratch'. But I think this is probably interesting coding, and quite modular, so it isn't a big problem.

Hey, space-ships are not all that hard.
True. But recolouring polygons or detonating a polygon mesh is a lot easier than recolouring sprites or drawing explosion graphics :)
Explosion graphics? Use particle-bits. So much more impressive, easier, and relevant to a space-game.

Bigger ships can be generated from tiled stuff close-up, although I suppose that might make rotating more difficult.
I could probably write a tiled rotatey plotter thing if big tiled ships are needed.
Or just display everything relative to the big stuff. :)

Without friction, you'll be able to accelerate to crazy speeds. This will make 16x16km very small, so you'll need to use a bigger coordinate system - say 64bit math, 48.16 format. This is the same that Dark Matter uses, and is large enough to fit a solar system into. If space doesn't have friction then presumably we're going for the full newtonian pie, so planets and other objects will have gravitational fields. All major structures in a system (stars, planets, moons, stations, gates) will therefore have to have the correct orbital paths, and will be loaded into the game world when you enter the solar system. However when you're flying along at several thousand km per second, a small top-down 2D view will become restrictive, so you'll probably want to be able to zoom your view (Which is easy enough to do), or switch to 3D. A zooming view should let the player zoom out very far, far enough to theoretically see thousands or millions of space ships clustered round stations and planets - so you're either going to have to be able to process a lot of space ships, or make it so that the size of object your sensor can detect is inversely proportional to its distance. The fact that space is no longer grid-based means that generating encounters with ships or bits of scenery (Oort clouds, space junk, etc) will be a lot trickier.
I think a useful concept here is for 'islands' of interesting stuff in a vast sea of pretty much nothing. Yes, scaling is kind of necessary for scope. Since space is so big, there probably won't be any random encounters if you are just flying around in the middle of no-where. And even if there are, it is basically guarenteed that the delta-vee will be too large for any realistic interaction other than spreading oneself over a large area. Plus, most travel will be via some sort of alternate space. Of course, interactions in there may occur, but we're making up the physics in there anyway.

Perhaps. Doesn't matter too much.
So you want a 2D space game with newtonian physics and planetary flight? :o
If it becomes a problem it is trivial to fix the max speed. "Warning: Ship hull not shielded against dust motes when travelling at greater than [7/8 of overflow limit]. Such travel will invalidate your warranty."

Duelling with nukes or kinetic impact missiles might be more interesting.
So large-scale, long-distance, tactical battles as opposed to the more usual arcadey close-range dog fights? That'll imply a fairly zoomed out view to start with (say, 1000km by 1000km), which means that the grid-based approach may still be workable (The grids will be a thousand or so times larger than before, so will still take several seconds to cross unless you spend all day with your foot on the accelerator)
I think several scales should be necessary for different purposes. I'm a bit bored of space-based rotating dog-fights to be honest. But I've never seen a long-distance tactical duel done. (Even though this is arguably more realistic!) I think there is some real scope for different types of missile with multiple flight-path options.

For many of the plots, I was imagining that no extra sprites would be required. Instead, custom plotters. Heh, sorry.
What kind of custom plotter? Just colour translation, or some other fancy effect? E.g. would it be possible to put the sprites through a translation algorithm beforehand, and then use the standard plotters?
I've already mentioned contours for gravitic detection. There are numerous other potentially fruitful avenues. Conceivably the sprites might be used in some of them, but for several others they wouldn't be necessary. Instead, each object would need some linear value - which may be constant or may vary, depending.

Heh, in the game (name not disclosed, I think it is fantastic), most ships would tend to fit under a single pixel in many plots.
Ah, so it is a large scale game. You could have said sooner :P
Well... its kind of both, because sprites really help for close-up stuff.

If it's such large scale then a tactical view might be best, rather than one showing each ship rotated & scaled accordingly. Just plot a nice display showing what the ship is and a line giving its trajectory.
This might be desirable

If you truly are thinking big, then it will be interesting to see how your big ships compare to mine :P
Well, I don't have any concrete plans for *huge* ships, but space-stations can be almost arbritrarily large. And in the concentrated areas of interest (Lagrange points, etc), there really isn't any reason not to have loose floating clusters forming the environment.

And still might have interfacing issues.
Yup - I'd much rather write it all in C/ARM than BASIC/ARM. And usually the only ARM that would be needed would be the sprite plotters, which are mostly written already and are generated from an obtusely formatted run-time assembler written in C. So there's very little recognisable assembler there, either ;)
Well, given a modular approach with well-defined interfaces, I'd be happy in ARM.

But if you want me to work with you on this, I want to have some creative input, and also... to use my special name for it.
I was more envisaging us working against each other, and seeing who could complete the game first :(
So... You beg for ideas, and I tell you mine for the game I've spent years developing on and off. Then we both write it separately, but with me explaining all the reasons for why things are how they are? Why?

But working with each other is OK as well :)

You can have all the creative input you want - you're the one who's come up with the idea, and know how it should all work. Depending on how ambitious the design is, you may be able to convince me to write it in BASIC. But if it needs a WIMP interface, fixed point math, extensive sprite plotters, 3D graphics, code profiling, transformation matricies/3D vector maths, or lots of speed, then I'd much rather write it in C and use my WOUM library :)
WIMP - don't care
fixed-point - as opposed to what? Ints? :)
Sprite-plotters - probably yes
3D - not necessary
code profiling - what?
transformation matricies/3D vector maths - I've avoided as much as possible
speed - yes

So what interface does your WOUM have?
If you can make a system I can slap ARM routines into I'll be fine.
The plotters should be pretty demo-like in nature in that they are relatively independent and just need a list of data, where to draw to and what dimensions, and do it fast.
Alt-space travel I suppose is similar, but would likely need more integration with a physics system.

I guess if we were doing it we could start pretty small, then develop 'outwards' adding on new plots and travel methods, then add a story when appropriate. But a mission system would need to be there from close to the start.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #63180, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:37, 10/3/2005, in reply to message #63174
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I think several scales should be necessary for different purposes. I'm a bit bored of space-based rotating dog-fights to be honest. But I've never seen a long-distance tactical duel done. (Even though this is arguably more realistic!) I think there is some real scope for different types of missile with multiple flight-path options.
The only problem with missiles and long range is that there's plenty of time for the enemy to shoot down the missile before it can hit them. You'd either need a lot of missiles, or some kind of projectile/energy weapon. Or a very big noise generator to confuse the enemy's sensors and stop them seeing the missiles :)

If you truly are thinking big, then it will be interesting to see how your big ships compare to mine :P
Well, I don't have any concrete plans for *huge* ships, but space-stations can be almost arbritrarily large.
Aw :(

(Mine are bigger :P)

I was more envisaging us working against each other, and seeing who could complete the game first :(
So... You beg for ideas, and I tell you mine for the game I've spent years developing on and off. Then we both write it separately, but with me explaining all the reasons for why things are how they are?
Yes :P

chal·lenge ( P ) Pronunciation Key (chlnj)

a. A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition: a challenge to a duel.

fixed-point - as opposed to what? Ints? :)
Or floats. |puke|

code profiling - what?
Measuring how much time each function is taking, so that bottlenecks can be found and the effectiveness of optimisations can be judged.

So what interface does your WOUM have?
If you can make a system I can slap ARM routines into I'll be fine.
C. But if you're willing to put up with the APCS parameter passing method (Functions which take >4 arguments will have some of them placed on the stack) and the loss of a register or two then it should be easy to use from assembler. However if your code doesn't need to call any other C functions then you can do pretty much whatever you want. You'll even get to use an assembler that supports the full instruction set! :P

I guess if we were doing it we could start pretty small, then develop 'outwards' adding on new plots and travel methods, then add a story when appropriate. But a mission system would need to be there from close to the start.
Sounds good to me. It's quite easy to write assembler that's tolerant to changes in data structure layout, so that shouldn't cause any problems as the system grows.

What kind of mission system did you envisage? Will all the missions be hard-coded or will some simple scripting language come in to play?
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Tony Haines Message #63363, posted by Loris at 14:46, 15/3/2005, in reply to message #63180
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
The only problem with missiles and long range is that there's plenty of time for the enemy to shoot down the missile before it can hit them. You'd either need a lot of missiles, or some kind of projectile/energy weapon. Or a very big noise generator to confuse the enemy's sensors and stop them seeing the missiles :)

Thats not a bug, its a feature. Yes, this is the sort of thing which moves it out of rotate-aim-fire-repeat territory.

(Mine are bigger :P)
Its what they can do that counts.

chal·lenge ( P ) Pronunciation Key (chlnj)

a. A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition: a challenge to a duel.
What you seem to have missed is the concept of "challenge and response". It is traditional for a series of small skillful repostes of gradually increasing difficulty to be alternately performed.

So what interface does your WOUM have?
If you can make a system I can slap ARM routines into I'll be fine.
C. But if you're willing to put up with the APCS parameter passing method (Functions which take >4 arguments will have some of them placed on the stack) and the loss of a register or two then it should be easy to use from assembler. However if your code doesn't need to call any other C functions then you can do pretty much whatever you want. You'll even get to use an assembler that supports the full instruction set! :P

So it really boils down to how modular the code can be. If I were to work on display functions and stuff like that it shouldn't be a problem. Thats where the machine code needs to be, anyway.

I guess if we were doing it we could start pretty small, then develop 'outwards' adding on new plots and travel methods, then add a story when appropriate. But a mission system would need to be there from close to the start.
Sounds good to me. It's quite easy to write assembler that's tolerant to changes in data structure layout, so that shouldn't cause any problems as the system grows.
Is that sarcasm?

What kind of mission system did you envisage? Will all the missions be hard-coded or will some simple scripting language come in to play?
I think scripting would probably be essential.

About structure, I suppose it is undecided.
The free-form/sandbox and trading models are I think probably a little lacking for this.
The grunt/soldier model (linear missions) would probably feel too rigid, would prevent exploration and would make a mockery of the core concept.
The GTA model (fairly free-form missions chosen by player) is OK; A variant of this might work quite well.
It would be interesting to be a semi-autonomous secret agent, you could receive requests on things to go and spy on (or blow up). And so on.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #63371, posted by Phlamethrower at 15:42, 15/3/2005, in reply to message #63363
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
(Mine are bigger :P)
Its what they can do that counts.
Convert an entire solar system from being hostile to friendly in one action.

What you seem to have missed is the concept of "challenge and response". It is traditional for a series of small skillful repostes of gradually increasing difficulty to be alternately performed.
Tsk :P

Sounds good to me. It's quite easy to write assembler that's tolerant to changes in data structure layout, so that shouldn't cause any problems as the system grows.
Is that sarcasm?
No. Just use compile time constant thingies to specify the offset of each field in the data structure. That'll allow you to reorder the fields if needed, and add new ones as necessary. You can also use macros for traversing data structures, etc.

About structure, I suppose it is undecided.
The free-form/sandbox and trading models are I think probably a little lacking for this.
The grunt/soldier model (linear missions) would probably feel too rigid, would prevent exploration and would make a mockery of the core concept.
The GTA model (fairly free-form missions chosen by player) is OK; A variant of this might work quite well.
It would be interesting to be a semi-autonomous secret agent, you could receive requests on things to go and spy on (or blow up). And so on.
Yes, yes, yes, and yes ;)
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Tony Haines Message #63407, posted by Loris at 11:31, 16/3/2005, in reply to message #63371
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Yes, yes, yes, and yes ;)
Waiter, give me what he's having.

If you are serious about doing this, why don't you email me.
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Andrew Message #112427, posted by andrew at 21:02, 18/12/2009, in reply to message #63054
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Someone tell me what game to write! tongue
What happened to Dark Matter?
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