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The Icon Bar: Games: TIB's NintendoDS Community Meeting Place Thing Doodah
  TIB's NintendoDS Community Meeting Place Thing Doodah
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Jeffrey Lee Message #100893, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:14, 28/3/2007, in reply to message #100889
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Except I hate platformers. (As a general rule of thumb. Canvas Curse being the obvious exception.)
It's slightly more puzzle based than the standard running-around-stomping-on-things-and-avoiding-instadeath gameplay of Mario games. And you get to pick up sleepy old archeologist-types and throw them at things grin
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richard cheng Message #100898, posted by richcheng at 12:52, 28/3/2007, in reply to message #100893

Posts: 655
Except I hate platformers. (As a general rule of thumb. Canvas Curse being the obvious exception.)
It's slightly more puzzle based than the standard running-around-stomping-on-things-and-avoiding-instadeath gameplay of Mario games. And you get to pick up sleepy old archeologist-types and throw them at things grin
Hmmm. Like Citadel? (Which I hated.) Or like an awesome IF? (Which I love!)

In other news, I completed Metroid Prime Pinball on the train this morning. It's a wonderful game. Bit easy though. In real life, I love pinball, but I suck at it. Roll on "Expert Mode".
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Jeffrey Lee Message #100899, posted by Phlamethrower at 13:13, 28/3/2007, in reply to message #100898
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Except I hate platformers. (As a general rule of thumb. Canvas Curse being the obvious exception.)
It's slightly more puzzle based than the standard running-around-stomping-on-things-and-avoiding-instadeath gameplay of Mario games. And you get to pick up sleepy old archeologist-types and throw them at things grin
Hmmm. Like Citadel? (Which I hated.)
Never played it.

Or like an awesome IF? (Which I love!)
You are in a rectangular room. A barrier to the east prevents further travel.
A sleepy archeologist is here.
> examine barrier
The barrier is too high to jump over, and cannot be climbed. But there is a gap near the ceiling. On the other side of the barrier you can see: A switch block, a treasure chest.
> take archeologist
> throw archeologist over barrier
How rude!
The archeologist bounces off the ceiling
The archeologist lands on the switch block on the other side of the barrier.
The barrier vanishes!
The archeologist lands on the floor.
You hear a ticking noise.
> east
You see here: An archeologist wriggling around on his back, a treasure chest, and a switch block.
You hear a ticking noise.
> take treasure
The ticking stops and the barrier reappears!

So not really, no tongue
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Phil Mellor Message #100900, posted by monkeyson2 at 13:14, 28/3/2007, in reply to message #100898
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Like Citadel? (Which I hated.)
Citadel was brilliant!

But impossible!

In other news, I completed Metroid Prime Pinball on the train this morning. It's a wonderful game. Bit easy though. In real life, I love pinball, but I suck at it. Roll on "Expert Mode".
*shakes fist at Nintendo Europe*
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Jeffrey Lee Message #100944, posted by Phlamethrower at 12:55, 29/3/2007, in reply to message #100900
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100

Retro gaming, there.
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Phil Mellor Message #100968, posted by monkeyson2 at 22:59, 29/3/2007, in reply to message #100944
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
I have Contact!

It's quite charming.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #100971, posted by Phlamethrower at 23:10, 29/3/2007, in reply to message #100968
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
So, what you're saying is that some wierd old man has contacted you through your DS? Is that entirely safe? tongue
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Phil Mellor Message #100972, posted by monkeyson2 at 23:52, 29/3/2007, in reply to message #100971
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Hey, I never realised the wifi connection was so good! tongue
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Jeffrey Lee Message #100994, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:07, 31/3/2007, in reply to message #100972
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Yay! Finished world 7 of Mario. Still a few hidden stages to unlock (including those cannons - not sure how to get to those), and some big coins to collect, but that's about it.

*starts on Phoenix Wright*
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101004, posted by Phlamethrower at 20:56, 31/3/2007, in reply to message #100994
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Phoenix Wright is the BEST GAME EVER *

* possibly

*pokes all DS owners to get it, and all non-DS owners to get a DS and then get it*

I just ordered Phoenix Wright (from Tesco - much cheaper than Amazon)
Has it arrived yet? We need to convert the non-believers!

[Edited by Phlamethrower at 20:58, 31/3/2007]
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101022, posted by Phlamethrower at 10:46, 1/4/2007, in reply to message #101004
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Yay! Animal Crossing April Fools.
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richard cheng Message #101054, posted by richcheng at 10:54, 2/4/2007, in reply to message #101004

Posts: 655
Phoenix Wright is the BEST GAME EVER *

* possibly

*pokes all DS owners to get it, and all non-DS owners to get a DS and then get it*

I just ordered Phoenix Wright (from Tesco - much cheaper than Amazon)
Has it arrived yet? We need to convert the non-believers!
That would be a no.

Tescos emailed me yesterday to tell me my order had been delayed, again.

Methinks, given Monkeyson's comments above, the games advertised at under £20 on Tesco's site are just to suck you in to their twisted web of deceit, and they don't actually have any intention of selling them to you at that price.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101064, posted by Phlamethrower at 14:04, 2/4/2007, in reply to message #101054
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Yay! Finished world 7 of Mario. Still a few hidden stages to unlock (including those cannons - not sure how to get to those), and some big coins to collect, but that's about it.
I unlocked a cannon! It's just a way of skipping to a later world unhappy And there are pipes which can take you to the castle level of the current world. Bonus features for speedrunners, I guess.

Phoenix Wright is the BEST GAME EVER *

* possibly

*pokes all DS owners to get it, and all non-DS owners to get a DS and then get it*

I just ordered Phoenix Wright (from Tesco - much cheaper than Amazon)
Has it arrived yet? We need to convert the non-believers!
That would be a no.

Tescos emailed me yesterday to tell me my order had been delayed, again.

Methinks, given Monkeyson's comments above, the games advertised at under £20 on Tesco's site are just to suck you in to their twisted web of deceit, and they don't actually have any intention of selling them to you at that price.
Well, I hope you've learnt your lesson frown

Get a copy of Warioland 4 to pass the time tongue (Or the first Phoenix Wright game smile)
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richard cheng Message #101067, posted by richcheng at 15:17, 2/4/2007, in reply to message #101064

Posts: 655
Well, I hope you've learnt your lesson frown

Get a copy of Warioland 4 to pass the time tongue (Or the first Phoenix Wright game smile)
That's what I was trying to get!
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101068, posted by Phlamethrower at 15:21, 2/4/2007, in reply to message #101067
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
That's what I was trying to get!
Oh. Well in that case, buy the second one! tongue

You don't need to have played the first one to know who everyone is, because evil person + fire extinguisher = amnesia. And then when you get rid of it, they do a recap to explain who everyone is anyway.

Or, buy Warioland 4.

Or both.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101169, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:25, 8/4/2007, in reply to message #101068
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
It turns out that cheap webcam+daylight+blutac+DS = almost half-decent DS/GBA video capture kit tongue (Either that or mess around on lots of dodgy websites looking for a Warioland 4 ROM. This way seemed far more fun.)

Anyway, here is an actually rather long (20 mins) yet rather small (50MB) video showing some Warioland 4 gameplay.

* Opening cinematics
* The tutorial level & boss
* The first proper level (although, you're free to start at any world you wish)
* A couple of the minigames (since I ran out of money to do the 3rd. And that one sucks anyway tongue)

In particular, it's reminded me of several of the key features of the game that make it so excellent. So for lazy people who don't want to watch the video (or can't tell what's going on because the quality is somewhat dodgy):

* Cinematics! Both the opening ones, the new-game ones, and the credits when you win (There are multiple endings, too. Those are triggered depending on how many boss treasure chests you manage to collect)
* Music! It's (a) good, (b) unique for each level (I think), (c) has singing (this is a GBA game, remember!), (d) is also situational (e.g. crouching makes it play slower, you get slightly different music in caves, different music altogether for secret rooms, etc. All fading smoothly inbetween)
* Character design! Interesting monsters that are often different from the typical Mario fare, nice smooth animation, etc.
* Level design! All the levels are unique, instead of the 100 or so near-identical level designs found in new SMB. And (unless you play on super-hard difficulty) you're free to complete them at your own pace (instead of being forced on by a rising sea of lava, or the scrolling of the screen, etc.)
* Wario can actually SWIM, unlike Mario. Swimming in new SMB = too hard.
* The minigames!
* Unlockable difficulty levels. IIRC you only start off with "Normal", then get to unlock Hard and Super-Hard. Super-Hard is so hard that I can no longer complete the tutorial level! tongue (Although that's probably just me being too hasty)
* Lots of ways to defeat enemies beyond the usual jumping on their heads tactic, and no cheap kills by throwing fireballs at everything.
* That tutorial boss (which is the easiest of them all) is obviously harder than I remember, judging by how many mistakes I made tongue Even if you buy a powerup from the item shop, the bosses are still likely to be hard. And unlike the "101 Bowser Jr's" from new SMB, all the bosses are unique, and need to be killed in their own special ways (NOT by saving up a giant mushroom and just trouncing all over the boss tongue)
* No fiddly hidden levels or worlds to unlock (and no shortcuts for speedrunners), but there are some CDs to unlock. But the CDs are absolute crap unfortunately unhappy It would have been a much more worthwhile feature to allow you to unlock the ingame music rather than the "music" contained on the CDs.

So in summary, Warioland 4 > New SMB.

Also, the DS seems to recreate GBA sound slightly differently from the real thing. I think it could be as simple as it using a different sample rate. In any case, the reproduction of some of the music/effects from Warioland 4 and Golden Sun isn't the same as if it were played on a real GBA.
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Andrew Poole Message #101172, posted by andypoole at 22:06, 8/4/2007, in reply to message #101169
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
So in summary, Warioland 4 > New SMB.
So.. Wario is just a fatter version of Mario, then?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101173, posted by Phlamethrower at 22:11, 8/4/2007, in reply to message #101172
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
So in summary, Warioland 4 > New SMB.
So.. Wario is just a fatter version of Mario, then?
No tongue

He's also smarter, cooler, stronger, and more manly tongue


And gets all the best minigames, and appears to be a GTA fan shock (I'm sure a couple of the speech samples in the intro music are the same as from the GTA 1 soundtrack. And he drives a car, and commits GBH against sleepy archeologist types)

And yes, I do know that that was probably a rhetorical question tongue

[edit #2]

And since he is Mario's evil twin (or something), yes, it would make sense for him to just be a bigger version of Mario. And the fact that I haven't completed Super Mario Land 2 yet shows just how much smarter he is and how much better and tougher his games are, because it's Wario's castle that I'm stuck on tongue (Except I accidentally ran out of lives while attempting it again a few months ago, so now have to mess around collecting all the coins from the bosses again).

[Edited by Phlamethrower at 22:30, 8/4/2007]
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Andrew Poole Message #101188, posted by andypoole at 19:16, 9/4/2007, in reply to message #94408
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Get the DS Browser, it's good enough to post things on Plapyen smile
hmm. so it is smile
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101219, posted by Phlamethrower at 21:45, 10/4/2007, in reply to message #101188
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
DSes only come with one wrist strap, right? I'm sure that mine came with two, but I can't seem to find the second unhappy

I may actually have to BUY a wrist strap for my Zaurus.
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Andrew Poole Message #101220, posted by andypoole at 22:37, 10/4/2007, in reply to message #101219
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
DSes only come with one wrist strap, right? I'm sure that mine came with two, but I can't seem to find the second unhappy
Mine only came with one.

Isn't it pretty hard to wear the wrist strap whilst using the DS?

I may actually have to BUY a wrist strap for my Zaurus.
Just use the first one from your DS tongue
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101221, posted by Phlamethrower at 22:40, 10/4/2007, in reply to message #101220
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Isn't it pretty hard to wear the wrist strap whilst using the DS?
Dunno, never tried tongue I just use it for the thumb pad thing. And I just use the thumb pad thing for Mario 64. And I only use it for that because none of the other games I have seem to use it tongue

I may actually have to BUY a wrist strap for my Zaurus.
Just use the first one from your DS tongue
But then I won't be able to play Mario 64! tongue (Which I haven't played for ages, anyway)
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Andrew Poole Message #101222, posted by andypoole at 22:44, 10/4/2007, in reply to message #101221
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Isn't it pretty hard to wear the wrist strap whilst using the DS?
Dunno, never tried tongue I just use it for the thumb pad thing. And I just use the thumb pad thing for Mario 64. And I only use it for that because none of the other games I have seem to use it tongue

I may actually have to BUY a wrist strap for my Zaurus.
Just use the first one from your DS tongue
But then I won't be able to play Mario 64! tongue (Which I haven't played for ages, anyway)
There you go, then tongue

Just swap it over if you wanna play Mario64DS smile
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101332, posted by Phlamethrower at 21:51, 13/4/2007, in reply to message #101054
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I just ordered Phoenix Wright (from Tesco - much cheaper than Amazon)
Has it arrived yet? We need to convert the non-believers!
That would be a no.

Tescos emailed me yesterday to tell me my order had been delayed, again.
How about now? tongue I just successfully pawned my copy of PW 1 off on my mum, so don't expect me to be much help if (a) your copy finally arrives and (b) you get stuck.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101379, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:38, 15/4/2007, in reply to message #101332
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
And also: Woo!
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richard cheng Message #101406, posted by richcheng at 10:32, 16/4/2007, in reply to message #101332

Posts: 655
I just ordered Phoenix Wright (from Tesco - much cheaper than Amazon)
Has it arrived yet? We need to convert the non-believers!
That would be a no.

Tescos emailed me yesterday to tell me my order had been delayed, again.
How about now? tongue I just successfully pawned my copy of PW 1 off on my mum, so don't expect me to be much help if (a) your copy finally arrives and (b) you get stuck.
They emailed me again on Thursday to say:
We are sorry to inform you that your order has been delayed because the
availability of one of the items has changed.

The item causing the delay:

1 x Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Awaiting stock, expected on Tuesday 24 April 2007
Also, now they send me lots of spam about all their other crap which they may or may not actually have suppliers for.

Tesco == Bastards.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101409, posted by Phlamethrower at 10:42, 16/4/2007, in reply to message #101406
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
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Jeffrey Lee Message #101807, posted by Phlamethrower at 11:53, 28/4/2007, in reply to message #99056
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Yay, Hotel Dusk is out in April!

They emailed me again on Thursday to say:

We are sorry to inform you that your order has been delayed because the
availability of one of the items has changed.

The item causing the delay:

1 x Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
Awaiting stock, expected on Tuesday 24 April 2007
Also, now they send me lots of spam about all their other crap which they may or may not actually have suppliers for.

Tesco == Bastards.
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Phil Mellor Message #101808, posted by monkeyson2 at 11:57, 28/4/2007, in reply to message #101807
monkeyson2Please don't let them make me be a monkey butler

Posts: 12380
Yay, Hotel Dusk is out in April!
I'm not going to get it until I've finished Contact, and I haven't done that because I've been watching too many DVDs recently.

I haven't seen Hotel Dusk in any shops (well, Game, the one time I checked), either shock
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Jeffrey Lee Message #102068, posted by Phlamethrower at 22:28, 7/5/2007, in reply to message #101808
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
More DS games of interest:

ANNO 1701.
18th century Sim City plus strategic warfare plus pirate ships (I assume tongue) plus colourful graphics. Yay!

Etrian Odyssey.
Colourful turn-based 3D dungeon crawling with map making and high difficulty level. Yay!
It does look like it'll use an encounter-based combat system, but I guess that's more suited to the way the interface works than a roguelike combat system would be.
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The Icon Bar: Games: TIB's NintendoDS Community Meeting Place Thing Doodah