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The Icon Bar: Games: PC flash version of Aargh! ?
  PC flash version of Aargh! ?
  chiefwhosm (11:47 21/6/2008)
  Phlamethrower (12:52 21/6/2008)
  Loris (18:17 8/7/2008)
chief Message #107680, posted by chiefwhosm at 11:47, 21/6/2008
Posts: 55
I have Aargh! (by Loris) on my RiscPC and I couldn't help wondering whether it had ever been ported to Windows.

It was such a truly annoying, frustrating, and addictive game that I wondered if there were a flash based browser version ever made?

On the subject of the game itself, I don't think I've seen such a truly addictive game in so long.

So much so that at my work place we were tidying up an old Acorn for one of our workers who wanted to use an Acorn alongside his PC.

We discovered a program called Aargh! (at the time I'd never heard of it) and of course out of curiosity we booted it up.

We also (somewhat foolishly perhaps) left it running on the monitor.

Well, some people decided to sit down and have a go on it, and another go, and another and.... yes we ended up with many people who wouldn't leave the room for want of trying to complete Level One till they realised they had spent too long at it and had to rush off to their respective jobs.

I mention that because it might give the original author who I see frequents this forum a smile of pride (or an evil grin) at the game he created.

Though the word Aargh was not the expletive used by several of my co-workers (who still kept coming back for more!) wink

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Jeffrey Lee Message #107681, posted by Phlamethrower at 12:52, 21/6/2008, in reply to message #107680
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I don't think Aargh! itself has been ported anywhere, but I am fairly certain there'll be several Aargh!-like flash games floating around the internet.
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Tony Haines Message #107802, posted by Loris at 18:17, 8/7/2008, in reply to message #107680
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Thanks for letting me know.

I haven't made a non-RISC OS version, though I do now actually write games with Flash. As Jeffrey says there are a few games which do something like it on the internet. You could probably add the word "thousand" to the previous sentence somewhere. smile Although I've not seen any which are particularly similar. There are some things I did which you just can't do in flash.

I'll shamelessly plug the flash games I've made now, which are on my site, here.
You might find some of them fun, I dunno.

Edit: Oh hang on, I forgot to claim my evil laugh - Mwahahaha har!

[Edited by Loris at 23:37, 8/7/2008]
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The Icon Bar: Games: PC flash version of Aargh! ?