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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: my website
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  Loris (18:13 28/4/2010)
  Loris (16:56 4/5/2010)
    Loris (00:14 16/5/2010)
      Phlamethrower (02:25 16/5/2010)
        bhtooefr (02:30 16/5/2010)
        andypoole (09:40 16/5/2010)
Tony Haines Message #114162, posted by Loris at 18:13, 28/4/2010
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
So I've been working on my website to make it a bit more attractive.
And I've started an online games development blog.

So would any of you web development mavens like to give me any comments on it?

I've not exactly settled it yet, and I'm learning as I go, so please don't be too harsh.


Regarding the blog, I'm marking up each article by hand. Several people have suggested using WordPress, but I'm not eager to use that for several reasons.
These include the fact that I'm a bit scared of activating it on my site, there's way too much documentation to wade through before becoming becoming competant with it, and I'm uneasy about having my stuff in a database driven system.

I'm looking at adding a minimalist commenting system.

[Edited by Loris at 18:15, 28/4/2010]
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Tony Haines Message #114285, posted by Loris at 16:56, 4/5/2010, in reply to message #114162
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
I've made a comment system, which I think is pretty cool. It's designed so that posters are anonymous, but distinguishable.

I'd appreciate it if you would have a play with the beta test.

As I say, it's cool. The most colourful comment system in the world.

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Tony Haines Message #114475, posted by Loris at 00:14, 16/5/2010, in reply to message #114285
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Does anyone know of a reason why I shouldn't convert from the current, table-based front-page: http://lysisgames.com/ to a css-powered, reconfiguring boxes style : http://lysisgames.com/indexx.html ?

I think the new style is really cool, but I'm a bit concerned that it won't work on some significant browser. (That is, one that a significant proportion of people use and that runs flash too - unfortunately Netsurf &c users arn't an option.)

And any other suggestions?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #114479, posted by Phlamethrower at 02:25, 16/5/2010, in reply to message #114475
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a browser that supports Flash but not CSS.
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Eric Rucker Message #114480, posted by bhtooefr at 02:30, 16/5/2010, in reply to message #114479
Posts: 337
[pedant]Technically, I could do something absurd like run IE2 with Flash Player 10...[/pedant]

But, yeah. In the real world, if you're hosting Flash games, your users will be running IE6/7/8/9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Opera 10.x. Use CSS, and if you want to cater to IE6 users, be careful what you do in your CSS, otherwise, have fun.
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Andrew Poole Message #114481, posted by andypoole at 09:40, 16/5/2010, in reply to message #114479
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a browser that supports Flash but not CSS.
Wasn't there a Flash plugin for RO browsers a while back? I think you could use it in Browse, which is CSS-less tongue

But then, who uses RISC OS for web browsing these days anyway? smile

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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: my website