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The Icon Bar: Games: Uffenkamp Computer Systems
  Uffenkamp Computer Systems
  bcass (11:27 19/3/2011)
  arawnsley (13:32 19/3/2011)
    bcass (15:39 22/3/2011)
      arawnsley (16:59 22/3/2011)
      swirlythingy (17:55 22/3/2011)
        bcass (19:42 22/3/2011)
        trevj (08:08 23/3/2011)
        Enzo (17:17 30/3/2011)
          bcass (18:28 7/4/2011)
        swirlythingy (12:11 9/4/2011)
          bcass (00:06 11/4/2011)
            discob1tch (13:05 15/3/2012)
              Enzo (08:29 16/3/2012)
                discob1tch (02:45 17/3/2012)
                castlevarich (12:54 17/3/2012)
      CJE (17:04 23/3/2011)
bcass Message #116949, posted by bcass at 11:27, 19/3/2011
Posts: 23
Has anyone ever ordered anything from this online shop? I notice they still have a large number of hard-to-find RISC OS games on their stock list, but it's been there for quite a few years now and I'm just wondering if someone just forgot to remove the list?

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Andrew Rawnsley Message #116951, posted by arawnsley at 13:32, 19/3/2011, in reply to message #116949
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
Kai Uffenkamp and family are a long-time RISC OS dealer in Germany, although I haven't heard much from them in recent times. They used to go to every Dutch RISC OS show with an elaborate (well, "well stocked") stand, and cheap RiscPCs smile However, they weren't at the last one, and I haven't had any orders or tech support emails in quite some time. As such, I don't know if the site is still active. I'd drop them an email - they were always really nice people, and I'm sure they'd be glad to help if they're still around.

Assuming they haven't thrown anything away, I'd imagine they still have a goodly stock of old games etc. As I said above, their stand always used to be something of a treasure trove for those willing to rummage. They also had specific deals in place for some games/apps as German distributors.

What games were you looking for?
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bcass Message #116990, posted by bcass at 15:39, 22/3/2011, in reply to message #116951
Posts: 23
Here's what I'm after:

Zelanites (must be the original release - the rerelease on the Play It Again Sam compilation doesn't save hi-scores)
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #116993, posted by arawnsley at 16:59, 22/3/2011, in reply to message #116990
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
OK, I don't think I can help you on any of those myself (might have a magnetoids somewhere - wasn't it released freeware or on a mag disc or something?) so I'd definately drop Kai an email. I believe it is kai at ucs dot de
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Martin Bazley Message #116997, posted by swirlythingy at 17:55, 22/3/2011, in reply to message #116990

Posts: 460
I have a copy of Ballarena sitting in a drawer somewhere being of no use to anyone.

Presumably it works, but the one time I tried to play it, I used my sister's A5000, and it disagreed so vehemently with her potent combination of podules that the entire computer became floppy-light-flashing unusable and it took the rest of the day to get it to even show a desktop again. Understandably, I've been rather put off trying anything else after that.

If the contents of the disc is anything to go by (a BASIC file called '!Boot'), it looks as if it's unrunnable on anything newer than Arthur. I also had a brief look inside, and it's every stereotype of early Archimedes games programming in three and a half inches of pure magnetic evil. I hope you've got a good solid emulator... wink
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bcass Message #117001, posted by bcass at 19:42, 22/3/2011, in reply to message #116997
Posts: 23
Any chance I could buy it off you? Email me at: bcass01 at hotmail dot com. Cheers.
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Trevor Johnson Message #117004, posted by trevj at 08:08, 23/3/2011, in reply to message #116997
Posts: 660
[...] it's every stereotype of early Archimedes games programming in three and a half inches of pure magnetic evil.
Are nominations open yet for the 2011 awards for 'Amusing forum quote'?
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Chris Evans Message #117008, posted by CJE at 17:04, 23/3/2011, in reply to message #116990
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
We have Magnetoids in stock http://www.cjemicros.co.uk/micros/individual/newprodpages/prodinfo.php?prodcode=ORE-MAGN

It's even on special offerbig smile Chris
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Xavier Tardy Message #117064, posted by Enzo at 17:17, 30/3/2011, in reply to message #116997
Posts: 56
Oh yes ... these French programmers, with their hacks and weird programming ;-)

There is a RISC OS 3.1 compatable version of Ballarena (it's been modified by Uffenkamp).
I've got 2 copies, as for Blaston and Tactic, but well no I won't sell them, I keep them for my collection.
I could swap one for Poizone, as it must be the only game I don't own (original packaging needed of course).
I'm looking for an Amiga copier able to duplicate the Eterna games, but so far I've been unable to find one.
In case you've got an idea, please tell me.
In my opinion, the Eterna games were very good, with a real care for the graphics, sounds and musics.(and the copy protection system too !!!)

Xavier.(The mad French collector ;-) ).
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bcass Message #117145, posted by bcass at 18:28, 7/4/2011, in reply to message #117064
Posts: 23
Xavier - please email me at: b c a s s 0 1 a t h o t m a i l d o t c o m (remove spaces).
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Martin Bazley Message #117181, posted by swirlythingy at 12:11, 9/4/2011, in reply to message #116997

Posts: 460
I have a copy of Ballarena sitting in a drawer somewhere being of no use to anyone.
Looking at this thread just reminded me... did you ever receive this game? I believe I posted it the Thursday before last...
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bcass Message #117200, posted by bcass at 00:06, 11/4/2011, in reply to message #117181
Posts: 23
Yes, I got it. Thanks!
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Robert Steed Message #119772, posted by discob1tch at 13:05, 15/3/2012, in reply to message #117200
AA refugee
Posts: 6
Could someone pleeease image Ballarena and Tactic and provide me with a copy? Being a hopeless nostalgia fiend I'm trying to collect as many Archimedes games as I can. And I lost my copy of Ballarena a long time ago :(. Any requests from my collection, do give me a shout.
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Xavier Tardy Message #119780, posted by Enzo at 08:29, 16/3/2012, in reply to message #119772
Posts: 56

All people interested please contact me directly at
x l t a r d y at g m a i l dot com (Xavier Louis Tardy) and I'll send copies (not in the following hours, but in the following days).

I don't know if you've seen it, but there's much more to watch about the Archies on Youtube. The latest entries are from Germany (search 'DustyBits archimedes' for example). It's a pity I studied Spanish as a second foreign language, and not German. It could have helped me when the gold backed mark will be the new European currency (who knows, France could be a member if we give them back Alsace and Lorraine ;-) )
I've also some great demos to share : the 3 ones by Karl Morton, the !colour demo, and the one by Archiologics for the German '96 Symposium compo (a 100 000 colour plasma, it's worth a look !)

[Edited by Enzo at 08:35, 16/3/2012]
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Robert Steed Message #119786, posted by discob1tch at 02:45, 17/3/2012, in reply to message #119780
AA refugee
Posts: 6
I just had a quick look on YT, I see there is quite a lot of stuff about the Arc. I'll look at that later (going away this weekend).
Xavier - are those demos you mentioned in any of the stuff from http://thepiratebay.se/user/antiques? I've been collecting everything from there. PS. I've emailed you.
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Jon Robinson Message #119787, posted by castlevarich at 12:54, 17/3/2012, in reply to message #119780
Posts: 55

All people interested please contact me directly at
x l t a r d y at g m a i l dot com (Xavier Louis Tardy) and I'll send copies (not in the following hours, but in the following days).

I don't know if you've seen it, but there's much more to watch about the Archies on Youtube. The latest entries are from Germany (search 'DustyBits archimedes' for example). It's a pity I studied Spanish as a second foreign language, and not German. It could have helped me when the gold backed mark will be the new European currency (who knows, France could be a member if we give them back Alsace and Lorraine ;-) )
I've also some great demos to share : the 3 ones by Karl Morton, the !colour demo, and the one by Archiologics for the German '96 Symposium compo (a 100 000 colour plasma, it's worth a look !)

[Edited by Enzo at 08:35, 16/3/2012]
Hi, Xavier

If you ever fancied a challenge, and were looking for a game to try to convert, I'd love to see the French Amiga game, Extase, running on RISC OS.

It was fun to play, and the music was the best I've ever heard on a computer game !!!

Jon Robinson, Leeds
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The Icon Bar: Games: Uffenkamp Computer Systems