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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Widespread interest in RISC OS in China
  Widespread interest in RISC OS in China
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Martin Bazley Message #119820, posted by swirlythingy at 15:46, 21/3/2012

Posts: 460
Well, maybe not, but TIB's country stats are a bit of a surprise:

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Blind Moose Message #119822, posted by Acornut at 19:43, 21/3/2012, in reply to message #119820
Acornut No-eye-deer (No Idea)

Posts: 487
Aaah Yes! Good old 'search bots' Rage
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Sion Message #119823, posted by apacketofsweets at 19:44, 21/3/2012, in reply to message #119820
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
I wouldn't take any notice of the top two, I suspect both are mostly (if not all) spambots attempting to post to the forum.
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Sion Message #119824, posted by apacketofsweets at 19:49, 21/3/2012, in reply to message #119820
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
*double post - please delete*

[Edited by apacketofsweets at 19:50, 21/3/2012]
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Jason Togneri Message #119826, posted by filecore at 08:32, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119824

Posts: 3868
Well, if you disregard the first two (and the Ivory Coast - I mean, seriously?) Then I'm pretty much solely responsible for the fourth highest amount of national traffic to TIB big grin
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Eric Rucker Message #119827, posted by bhtooefr at 13:08, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119820
Posts: 337
Of course, it looks like that image is linked live from the stats, which is updated, rather than a saved static version.

Still, lots of activity from China. Wonder how much of the US activity is zombies, and how much of it is legit - I'm part of the legit activity...

[Edited by bhtooefr at 13:09, 22/3/2012]
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Martin Bazley Message #119828, posted by swirlythingy at 13:12, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119826

Posts: 460
Well, if you disregard the first two (and the Ivory Coast - I mean, seriously?) Then I'm pretty much solely responsible for the fourth highest amount of national traffic to TIB big grin
I thought you were in Finland? And where's the Ivory Coast on there?

Come to think of it, does anyone know what that single character which the stats application apparently can't cope with is?
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Eric Rucker Message #119831, posted by bhtooefr at 14:54, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119828
Posts: 337
See my comment, that the image is linked from a live image, not a static image - that is, the one stored at the URL linked to changes, and whatever it is when you load the page is what you get.
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Jeffrey Lee Message #119832, posted by Phlamethrower at 15:03, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119828
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Come to think of it, does anyone know what that single character which the stats application apparently can't cope with is?
You mean the country "0"? I'm guessing that's just where it can't work out what country it's from.
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Martin Bazley Message #119833, posted by swirlythingy at 18:04, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119832

Posts: 460
Woo - massive surge in Italy as of 17:17! And Finland is now right down at the bottom of the list, with only one visit.

Does it only sample the previous hour or so? That would explain the suspiciously low figures. Long-term trend information would be more informative.

[Edited by swirlythingy at 18:10, 22/3/2012]
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Jason Togneri Message #119834, posted by filecore at 18:40, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119833

Posts: 3868
Yep, I had assumed it was a static image of the last month or something. If somebody views this thread when Chinese impacts drop noticeably, they'll wonder what relation the image has to the thread title! A disclaimer taht it was live/dynamic might have been nice.
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Martin Bazley Message #119836, posted by swirlythingy at 19:41, 22/3/2012, in reply to message #119834

Posts: 460
when Chinese impacts drop noticeably
Perhaps a bit of wishful thinking there!

Given that 24 hours have passed and China's still topping the ranks, it's obviously pretty consistent behaviour, which makes one wonder what on earth they're up to down there.

(Although I observe that - as of 19:17 - the US has just beaten them, by 27 visits.)
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Jon Robinson Message #119870, posted by castlevarich at 17:30, 26/3/2012, in reply to message #119836
Posts: 55
when Chinese impacts drop noticeably
Perhaps a bit of wishful thinking there!

Given that 24 hours have passed and China's still topping the ranks, it's obviously pretty consistent behaviour, which makes one wonder what on earth they're up to down there.

(Although I observe that - as of 19:17 - the US has just beaten them, by 27 visits.)
It would be interesting to know how these stats compare with a year ago.

I suspect that a lot of the traffic to Iconbar now is coming from people who are reading that RISC OS /is/will be/ available as an option for the RasPi, and are googling RISC OS to see what it is.

Howvever, it's nice to know that there are people in places like Russia, Greece and China finding their way to the site.

It might be a good idea to translate some of the key news, like the new release of RISC OS 5, into a few other languages, if anybody's handy with a dictionary.

Jon Robinson, Leeds
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Martin Bazley Message #119871, posted by swirlythingy at 22:41, 26/3/2012, in reply to message #119870

Posts: 460
I suspect that a lot of the traffic to Iconbar now is coming from people who are reading that RISC OS /is/will be/ available as an option for the RasPi, and are googling RISC OS to see what it is.
Good grief.
Howvever, it's nice to know that there are people in places like Russia, Greece and China finding their way to the site.
You don't often see this kind of all-round hilariously gullible personality, even in RISC OS fanboys.
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Jason Togneri Message #119872, posted by filecore at 07:36, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119871

Posts: 3868
Howvever, it's nice to know that there are people in places like Russia, Greece and China finding their way to the site.
You don't often see this kind of all-round hilariously gullible personality, even in RISC OS fanboys.
I know what you mean, but to be fair, there was once an active RISC OS scene in Russia (that and Germany seemed to be the most active non-UK markets). Demogroups such as eQ came from Russia. Not a lot of people know this smile

Edit: forgot that TIB doesn't like Wayback links because they contain 'http' within the URL. Kiddyfiddled the link to work properly.

[Edited by filecore at 07:37, 27/3/2012]
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Trevor Johnson Message #119875, posted by trevj at 12:48, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119872
Posts: 660
Demogroups such as http://www.eqlab.org/">eQ came from Russia. Not a lot of people know this smile
Dunno how you twiddled those bits - never works for me (see above, probably)! Anyway, he's some more info on eQ:Could this Alexander Chukov at pdaXrom be the same person, or is it a not uncommon name? And if so, why's the sourceforge stuff on the .jp site rather than the usual .net one?
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Jason Togneri Message #119877, posted by filecore at 14:39, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119875

Posts: 3868
Dunno how you twiddled those bits - never works for me
Took me some trial to work it out, and I always forget about it (hence the ninja edit). You have to untick the "Convert URLs into clickable links" box when you post - the confusion stems from the fact that it only refers to plaintext URLs, see, and not URLs encapsulated in HTML href tags.
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Trevor Johnson Message #119878, posted by trevj at 15:11, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119877
Posts: 660
Thanks. It sounds like linking to something like

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipediabig grinisambiguation

where 'Smileys' needs unticking.
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Jon Robinson Message #119879, posted by castlevarich at 16:53, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119871
Posts: 55
I suspect that a lot of the traffic to Iconbar now is coming from people who are reading that RISC OS /is/will be/ available as an option for the RasPi, and are googling RISC OS to see what it is.
Good grief.
Howvever, it's nice to know that there are people in places like Russia, Greece and China finding their way to the site.
You don't often see this kind of all-round hilariously gullible personality, even in RISC OS fanboys.
I can't see why you find it so unbelievable that a few hundred people might be googling RISC OS a day in China, on the back of all the excitement in the Pi.

I think you are seriously underestimating the potential impact the RasPi is going to have.

There are about 200,000 people (yes that's 200,000 !!!!) beavering away in a large factory near Hong Kong, among other things churning out Apple's product line for them.

These people work 12 hour shifts, 6 or 7 days a week, for around 30p an hour.

Most of them will never be able to afford any of the products they toil away to produce, but they MIGHT just be able to afford a Pi.

To use the American expression, the Pi offers a lot of bang for your buck.

I think the PI has the potential to spread computer use to a lot of people in the world who can't currently afford it, and I think the likes of Compaq and Hewlett Packard are already well aware of the effect it's going to have on them, even if you can't see that far ahead.

I wouldn't be at all suprised if, in two or three years time, there aren't more RISC OS users in China than there are in the whole of the rest of the world put together !!!

That's not being a FANBOY, that's just being REALISTIC.

Looks like it's time to dust off that copy of Mandarin for Dummies I know you've all got hidden away in your attic.

Jon Robinson, Leeds
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Martin Bazley Message #119880, posted by swirlythingy at 17:09, 27/3/2012, in reply to message #119879

Posts: 460
That's not being a FANBOY, that's just being REALISTIC.
I strongly advise you to go back and reread what you have just written.

There are Vatican-based condom manufacturers less optimistic than you.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I do think that the Pi is enormously important for RISC OS, and probably the best chance it's had in twenty years. I do not, however, think that it will cure AIDS, reverse global warming, induce the physical return of a mythical religious figure of your choice, send rain to the Sahara, bring about world peace, herald the end of global food shortages, or magically grant a majority market share for an OS which has never come close to having one and is strongly unlikely to make it beyond 'amusing side dish' status even on the world's most famous purpose-built Linux computer.

[Edited by swirlythingy at 17:15, 27/3/2012]
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Jason Togneri Message #119882, posted by filecore at 07:01, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119878

Posts: 3868
Thanks. It sounds like linking to something like

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipediabig grinisambiguation

where 'Smileys' needs unticking.
My personal bugbear is making list points, where you get further than five:

6) another point
7) a different point
cool a point nothing to do with smilies
9) and my final point

Which is the same as the numbers-in-brackets problem in other contexts like Lollipop (2006), Zebra (200cool and Armadillo (2011).
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Jason Togneri Message #119883, posted by filecore at 07:04, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119879

Posts: 3868
I wouldn't be at all suprised if, in two or three years time, there aren't more RISC OS users in China than there are in the whole of the rest of the world put together !!!
Oh dear, multiple exclamation marks. I was going to make a joke about there being potentially twelve new RISC OS users in China, but that is never a good sign.
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VinceH Message #119884, posted by VincceH at 09:34, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119879
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I wouldn't be at all suprised if, in two or three years time, there aren't more RISC OS users in China than there are in the whole of the rest of the world put together !!!
I would.

Given the price of the board, and the excitement it is generating, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if in a few years time, there aren't more Raspberry Pi users in China than there are RISC OS users in the whole of the rest of the world put together.

But that's not quite the same thing.
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Bryan Hogan Message #119885, posted by helpful at 10:28, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119884
Posts: 253
I wouldn't be entirely surprised if in a few years time, there aren't more Raspberry Pi users in China than there are RISC OS users in the whole of the rest of the world put together.
We can regard that as a lot of potential RISC OS users big smile

Actually, "users" is probably the wrong word - "People who might fiddle about with it as something that is a bit of a novelty" is probably closer!

But that's not necessarily a bad thing either.
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Sion Message #119886, posted by apacketofsweets at 12:32, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119885
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
I have to agree with what Jon said about RISC OS users in China, there's over one and a half billion Chinese people in the world, so all it takes is a completely tiny portion of that population to have an interest in our platform and suddenly RISC OS has tripled its userbase.

[Edited by apacketofsweets at 12:46, 28/3/2012]
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Eric Rucker Message #119887, posted by bhtooefr at 13:21, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119886
Posts: 337
Alright, let's see...

RISC OS is mainly considered a tertiary project (there are whole Linux distros that are considered secondary to the main Fedora Remix image) on the RasPi.

RISC OS's internationalization... how good is the Unicode support OS-wide (not just in NetSurf)? After all, you're gonna have to display Simplified Chinese (although I suspect that RISC OS's font rendering engine could actually do a decent job of it given a text engine that can feed it the characters properly).

Then, how are you going to convince people to use it over Linux?
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Bryan Hogan Message #119888, posted by helpful at 14:20, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119887
Posts: 253
how are you going to convince people to use it over Linux?
By pointing out that it is not Linux?

Linux runs on lots of kit, most of it far more suitable than the R-Pi, so there may be a certain boredom factor there. RISC OS will have a novelty factor.

Of course, novelty can quickly wear off!

Although China is probably a bad example here, due to the internationalisation (lack of) issues.
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Eric Rucker Message #119889, posted by bhtooefr at 14:22, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119888
Posts: 337
Well, let's look at it another way.

You have $25 to buy a computer.

What is the most suitable computer for that $25?

Probably the RPi.

Now, what is the OS that will let you do the most with that RPi? It'll easily be one of the Linux distros.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #119890, posted by arawnsley at 15:26, 28/3/2012, in reply to message #119889
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
I think the important thing here is to cautiously embrase the Pi for the potential exposure it gives RISC OS, but be aware that the current limitations of RISC OS will mean that sustained interest will likely remain quite modest.

One has to be careful of betting the farm on thousands of potential Pi users, and in the process forgetting the existing userbase that has supported RISC OS through thick and thin.

The other potential problem is that the cost of RISC OS software is quite high relative to the cost of a Pi, but due to small sales numbers, doing "rock bottom" pricing without a large userbase to make up for it poses a very difficult dilema.

To a degree, RISC OS has had this kind of success before (Oracle's NC initiative), and whilst many units of hardware were sold, the knock-on benefits to the traditional RISC OS world were actually relatively small (that's being generous!).

[Edited by arawnsley at 16:28, 28/3/2012]
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jess hampshire Message #119923, posted by jess at 17:16, 31/3/2012, in reply to message #119890
Posts: 20
I think the important thing for RISC OS on the Pi is it needs to be able to co-exist with other OSes (And be able to share a data drive.)

We need to concentrate on the things RISC OS does well, not what it can't do. (That's why you want simple dual-boot.)

I think the way forward with software is to have a free basic version and a paid for "pro" version (Which is the current situation with Messenger and Fireworkz.)
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The Icon Bar: The Playpen: Widespread interest in RISC OS in China