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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: No news is BORING.
  No news is BORING.
  g0tai (12:27 27/8/2003)
  john (15:49 27/8/2003)
  andypoole (19:41 27/8/2003)
    g0tai (15:29 31/8/2003)
      [mentat] (08:26 2/9/2003)
        andrew (10:24 2/9/2003)
      Loris (09:04 3/9/2003)
        andrew (10:29 3/9/2003)
          Loris (12:20 3/9/2003)
            andrew (12:34 3/9/2003)
              Loris (13:27 3/9/2003)
                andrew (14:44 3/9/2003)
              pnaulls (08:15 4/9/2003)
                andrew (13:35 4/9/2003)
                [mentat] (15:54 4/9/2003)
                  Loris (16:38 4/9/2003)
                    andypoole (17:28 4/9/2003)
Ian Hawkins (g0tai) Message #45907, posted by g0tai at 12:27, 27/8/2003
Posts: 82
So, are you going to continue sitting on your arses all month or are you going to start writing news?

You are a news portal after all.
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John D Message #45912, posted by john at 15:49, 27/8/2003, in reply to message #45907
Posts: 261
Drobe is for news, iconbar is for forums. Everyone knows that ;)
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Andrew Poole Message #45924, posted by andypoole at 19:41, 27/8/2003, in reply to message #45907
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
So, are you going to continue sitting on your arses all month or are you going to start writing news?

You are a news portal after all.
When I have the Internet at uni, I cann write some news.
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Ian Hawkins (g0tai) Message #46056, posted by g0tai at 15:29, 31/8/2003, in reply to message #45924
Posts: 82
Thats great, really. But tomorrow will be September, and to be honest, no news for over a month looks crap. Do you still care about RISC OS? I do.

It doesnt help the 'RISC OS' image for people getting interested in the platform , either.


You can still take an RDF feed of news from us, or stop being a news portal, and be a 'forums' portal for RISC OS?
A forums type portal would seem to be a good way forward.

How about a forum-led portal for RISC OS, with a 'sidebar' of RISC OS news from around the web (RDF feeds from drobe and other sites maybe)?
Or do something that'll help AcornUser out (I dont care for political wars about AU here, so don't start.).

I'm sure you can think of something that drobe isn't doing.

Btw, I'm not taking the piss, I'm trying to think of stuff you guys actually might get around to managing to do (writing news articles takes a lot of time, etc)


I've you've given up then how about merging the news/forums side of iconbar.com with riscos.org (tbh, they need decent news/forums :) (no offense paul/others!)). Something along the lines I did with AcornSearch and drobe.

If you think I'm a whinging git then fair enough, just please, *do* something with iconbar.com or at least try to update it once a week!.

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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #46097, posted by [mentat] at 08:26, 2/9/2003, in reply to message #46056
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
Whinging git. :P

Interesting points though...
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Andrew Message #46103, posted by andrew at 10:24, 2/9/2003, in reply to message #46097
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
No idea what's happening Goat-like one :(
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Tony Haines Message #46124, posted by Loris at 09:04, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46056
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Merge Drobe and the Icon bar.
Or, well... integrate them.
Throw away drobe's forums, and the konbar's news.
We don't need two of either; might as well concentrate on what you're good at.

Merger! Merger!
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Andrew Message #46126, posted by andrew at 10:29, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46124
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Competition is better IMHO.
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Tony Haines Message #46132, posted by Loris at 12:20, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46126
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
In what way?
Neither is charging for profit, or advertising; both are done for love not money as far as I can see.
So competition means needless duplication of effort and schism of the user base into two groups, only partially aware of the others existence. At best.
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Andrew Message #46133, posted by andrew at 12:34, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46132
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
It should raise the quality of both.
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Tony Haines Message #46134, posted by Loris at 13:27, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46133
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Oh yeah, forgot you were tory.
Seriously, I don't see how it does help to have such duplication, for the reasons I gave.
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Andrew Message #46140, posted by andrew at 14:44, 3/9/2003, in reply to message #46134
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Oh yeah, forgot you were tory.
Seriously, I don't see how it does help to have such duplication, for the reasons I gave.
Through pride in one's work is one way each site can be of use. They can strive to have more and do better than eachother.
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Peter Naulls Message #46168, posted by pnaulls at 08:15, 4/9/2003, in reply to message #46133
Posts: 317
It should raise the quality of both.
Except it hasn't, for TIB. It's had less and less news of late. There's no "competition" here on the news front. Drobe is head, shoulders, torso, waist and thighs above the rest of the portals for news.

Speaking of competition would be fine, but the problem that g0tai stated still very much remains, and I'm still concerned by his points (having stated them myself many times).
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Andrew Message #46183, posted by andrew at 13:35, 4/9/2003, in reply to message #46168
HandbagHandbag Boi
Posts: 3439
Yes it is hypothetical until something is done.
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I don't have tourettes you're just a cun Message #46191, posted by [mentat] at 15:54, 4/9/2003, in reply to message #46168
[mentat]Fear is the mind-killer
Posts: 6266
There's no "competition" here on the news front.
Maybe we should have a news competition ;)

Drobe is head, shoulders, torso, waist and thighs above the rest of the portals for news.
But The Konbar is way ahead on Pen!s :o
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Tony Haines Message #46197, posted by Loris at 16:38, 4/9/2003, in reply to message #46191
madbanHa ha, me mine, mwahahahaha
Posts: 1025
Ah, I can just see it.

Drobe and Konbar: News competition announced!
Drobe: Drobe curently ahead on news articles
Konbar: Spelling mistake in Drobe article
Drobe: Konbar getting upperty
Konbar: We're off for a drink
Drobe: Iconbar suffers writer apathy.
Drobe: Drobe seizes chance to take lead in news war.
Drobe: We're really kicking 'em now!
Konbar: Vote in our poll - which is better, Drobe, Cybervillage or a dead fish?
Cybervillage: Oy!
Drobe: Officially better than fish!
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Andrew Poole Message #46201, posted by andypoole at 17:28, 4/9/2003, in reply to message #46197
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
Ah, I can just see it.

Drobe and Konbar: News competition announced!
Drobe: Drobe curently ahead on news articles
Konbar: Spelling mistake in Drobe article
Drobe: Konbar getting upperty
Konbar: We're off for a drink
Drobe: Iconbar suffers writer apathy.
Drobe: Drobe seizes chance to take lead in news war.
Drobe: We're really kicking 'em now!
Konbar: Vote in our poll - which is better, Drobe, Cybervillage or a dead fish?
Cybervillage: Oy!
Drobe: Officially better than fish!

Now if that turns out to be true, watch out :P
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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: No news is BORING.