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The Icon Bar: Games: !EasyWIMP modules
  !EasyWIMP modules
  sorvad (09:04 5/8/2005)
  eddyosaysyo2 (12:17 5/8/2005)
    sorvad (13:16 5/8/2005)
      sorvad (15:18 5/8/2005)
sorvad Message #85930, posted by sorvad at 09:04, 5/8/2005
Posts: 68
Tried emailing news about these modules but got a bounce back. I think you may have got it anyway but just in case here's what I wrote;

I may be able to help you, not sure yet. I was rummaging around my old
Archimedes disks last night looking for some old stuff to run on the
emulator. I remember seeing a disk I'd bought or got free with a book (not
sure, it's been so many years !) that was I'm sure called "Wimp Programmers
ToolKit". I'm not 100% of this but the title was very similar if not
actually the same.

But in the news section you mention them being on a compilation CD. I
presume they may have been out on Floppy first and if so these may be what
your looking for. If they've never been out on Floppy then it mustn't be
what your after.

I will check the title tonight and get back to you unless you can confirm
these are definitely not what your after.

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Eddy Willson Message #85931, posted by eddyosaysyo2 at 12:17, 5/8/2005, in reply to message #85930
AA refugee
Posts: 186
Yup, they were originally released on floppys smile

The RUIAN CD is just a compilation of all software ever released on the cover discs of RISC User. (Although some of the titles have been smartened up a bit)

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sorvad Message #85932, posted by sorvad at 13:16, 5/8/2005, in reply to message #85931
Posts: 68
OK, sounds like I have them, really sure the title was Wimp Programmers Toolkit, or was it Wimp Toolkit... Having doubts now ! No, fairly sure it was the programmers toolkit.

All I've got to do now is figure a way of reading the disks, my A3000 has been in storage for about 6 years or so and has a dodgy PSU (going to buy a new one, seen some on the net). I believe that the disk readers for PC will not work with 2000 or XP, which are the only two OS's I have access to.

I may be able to get the 3000 working again for long enough to copy the contents onto a DOS floppy.

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sorvad Message #85933, posted by sorvad at 15:18, 5/8/2005, in reply to message #85932
Posts: 68
Ok, I've got the disk, it's labelled as "Wimp Programmers Toolkit" and was published by Beebug.

Who wants the files that are on it ?, if you wish to contact me I'll sort out sending the relevent files. What's the status on the copyright ?

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The Icon Bar: Games: !EasyWIMP modules