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The Icon Bar: Games: Are there any emulators that people want ?
  Are there any emulators that people want ?
  davidm (23:12 9/1/2001)
  Candyman (19:56 11/1/2001)
    davidm (14:23 12/1/2001)
      Candyman (19:47 12/1/2001)
        davidm (19:52 12/1/2001)
          JibberX (11:23 5/4/2001)
            davidm (15:25 5/4/2001)
              arkick (14:48 19/5/2001)
                fwibbler (19:38 9/3/2002)
                  Phlamethrower (19:21 12/3/2002)
                    davidm (20:34 12/3/2002)
                      Phlamethrower (16:14 13/3/2002)
                        guru1211 (06:32 30/4/2005)
                          eddyosaysyo2 (13:08 21/5/2005)
                            andreww (12:10 22/5/2005)
David McEwen Message #86699, posted by davidm at 23:12, 9/1/2001
Posts: 100

As you may or may not know (depends on how interested in emulation on the Acorn you are ;-) ) I deal with quite a few emulator ports to the RISC OS platform. If you want to find out what I've done in terms of emulators see my website : http://www.acornemus.freeserve.co.uk

I have a decent amount of unreleased ports (in various stages of development) lying on my hard drive and would really like to get them released at some stage. With my free time being limited I would like to know your preferences for emulators.

Basically are there any machines that you would like to see emulated that currently aren't ? or is there an emulator that you wish to see further developed ?

This is NOT so that I can ditch some emulators, but more so that I know where I should focus my attention when I get the time. For example I know that VGB is pretty poular and thus it is bang up to date and when someone provides me with a bug report I will fix the bug at my first available opportunity. However other emulators such as fMSX have been neglected. So obviously if most of you wanted fMSX updated I would work on that instead of VGB to get it in sync. Or if you wanted something that I haven't done such as a Neo Geo emulator then I will devote time to that.

I'm looking forward to finding out what you want -> hopefully it will be interesting.


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Candyman Message #86700, posted by Candyman at 19:56, 11/1/2001, in reply to message #86699
AA refugee
Posts: 3
I would like a up to date version of Hu-Go (the current version doesn't seem to play any games on my computer), and an up to date SNES emulator - ZSNES!?
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David McEwen Message #86701, posted by davidm at 14:23, 12/1/2001, in reply to message #86700
Posts: 100

Firstly, what machine do you have ? and which games are you trying ?, any error messages ?

I know there is an issue with 8 bit sound...

A new version is being looked into, the whole structure has changed, so will take a bit of time.

As for SNES emulators... a new Snes9x is on the cards.

BTW... the same thread on comp.sys.acorn.games is a bit more active, if you are interested in what other people want.


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Candyman Message #86702, posted by Candyman at 19:47, 12/1/2001, in reply to message #86701
AA refugee
Posts: 3
I have SA RiscPC and RISCOS 4, but it is one of the first models with 8 bit sound.

Error message is "Floating point exception: division by zero"

I have tried lots of games including OutRun, 1943, Liquid Kids and none work :-(

Can't wait for the new snes9x ;-)

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David McEwen Message #86703, posted by davidm at 19:52, 12/1/2001, in reply to message #86702
Posts: 100

The problem is the 8 bit sound. I may get time to release a version with which you can disable sound as a temporary measure.


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Robert White Message #86704, posted by JibberX at 11:23, 5/4/2001, in reply to message #86703
AA refugee
Posts: 1
Is a GBA emulator 'easy' to do as it is a ARM machine?
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David McEwen Message #86705, posted by davidm at 15:25, 5/4/2001, in reply to message #86704
Posts: 100
GBA emulator is not 'easy' - its not hugely complex sure, but there is enough to cause problems.
Games programmers are 'nasty' and tend to use any dirty hack to create an effect thus the emulation has to be fairly accurate -> which is where the complexity comes in. Timing, etc...
There is more than just an ARM7 (with the THumb stuff too don't forget) in the GBA... custom gfx stuff like the SNES, sound, ...
I'm not doing one for RISC OS. See my reply on the MB on my site for reasons why.
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Rich Mackin Message #86706, posted by arkick at 14:48, 19/5/2001, in reply to message #86705
Posts: 11
Well, there's another on the way - I'm working on an as-yet-untitled Sega Master System emulator. It's written in 100% ARM code, and at the moment positively flies grin. At the moment a large part of the Z80 instruction set is emulated, and I've just successfully implemented bank switching (to allow it to handle 512K ROMs). The controllers also work fine, and I'm planning on finishing the Z80 emulation before tackling gfx and sfx. No screenshots yet, as all you get is the debug display which monitors code, memory, registers, etc. If anyone's interested, I could be willng to share it with the wider RISC OS community, as many early consoles/computers used the Z80 and a fast emulation core. I'm also taking suggestions for the name, at the moment the exec. is called "SegaMS" but I want something decent. I really just wrote the emulator to see if it could be done. It's aimed at all machines, but is being developed on an RPC with extra testing on an A3010. Min requirements with will be an ARM250 (expect some slowdown) with 1MB RAM (2MB for larger games). I'll keep u all posted on csa.games. I can't say for certain when it'll be ready, but hopefully it won't be long - development's been going like an express train smile It's full-screen at the moment but a desktop view may be included for SA users (unfortunately I don't have an SA!!) Playing games is as easy as double-clicking on the ROM image. A ROM organiser is included too, making it easy to keep them all together. I'll keep u all posted, keep an eye on csa.games
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fwibbler Message #86707, posted by fwibbler at 19:38, 9/3/2002, in reply to message #86706

Posts: 320
2 questions:
Rich, how are you getting on with your Sega Master System emulator?

And does anyone feel like doing a really good ZX81 emulator for RISCOS?


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Jeffrey Lee Message #86708, posted by Phlamethrower at 19:21, 12/3/2002, in reply to message #86707
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
And does anyone feel like doing a really good ZX81 emulator for RISCOS?

Have you tried Spec128? The website seems to have vanished, but AcornSearch have a copy of it:


Got good sound support (As far as I can remember) and seems to run at a decent speed, the only real thing missing is tape support.

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David McEwen Message #86709, posted by davidm at 20:34, 12/3/2002, in reply to message #86708
Posts: 100

Spec128 emulates a Spectrum not a ZX81!

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Jeffrey Lee Message #86710, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:14, 13/3/2002, in reply to message #86709
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
Doh! I was thinking ZX Spectrum.

Ah well, at least I can use the excuse that I wasn't born then wink

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Guru Gandalf Message #86711, posted by guru1211 at 06:32, 30/4/2005, in reply to message #86710
AA refugee
Posts: 1
Deleted for blatent advertising

[Edited by eddyosaysyo2 at 14:11, 21/5/2005]
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Eddy Willson Message #86712, posted by eddyosaysyo2 at 13:08, 21/5/2005, in reply to message #86711
AA refugee
Posts: 186
Yes this thread is a tad old...

I would very much like to see a Wonderswan/Wonderswan Colour emulator for RISC OS.

Theres a rather neat open source emulator currently available for Windows called OSwan, which itself is based on the source code of a slightly worse emulator, Cygne.

Maybe we could see a port of this?

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Andrew Message #86713, posted by andreww at 12:10, 22/5/2005, in reply to message #86712
AA refugee
Posts: 555
Personally a faster Amiga emulator or an Atari ST emulator I'd like to see.
The downside of course is you've got to get the ROMs from somewhere and I don't know what the situation is regarding them.
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The Icon Bar: Games: Are there any emulators that people want ?