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The Icon Bar: News and features: London show approaches

London show approaches

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 23:48, 15/10/2010 | , ,
Saturday October 23rd marks the date for this year's RISC OS London Show, located at the St Giles Hotel in London.
Show organiser and ROUGOL frontman Bryan Hogan got in touch to give us the full skinny, which you can find after the break.

The second RISC OS London Show is nearly upon us and ROUGOL (RISC OS User Group Of London) have been working hard(ish) to make sure it again offers up a mix of new and old.
There will be many new and updated things to see at the show. On the hardware side there is the first ever 1GHz RISC OS machine in the form of the new Beagleboard-xM.
Then there is the Always Innovating Touchbook which is now also able to run RISC OS, making it the first ARM powered RISC OS laptop since Acorn's A4 over 15 years ago.
For exciting ROTM hardware action, there will be new robots to see and play with on the RISControl/BeebControl stand.
RISC OS Open Ltd will be there to give the latest news on developments of the operating system to support new hardware devices and to improve the user experience.
For RiscPCs and emulators, RISC OS Ltd will have the latest updates to RISC OS Six as they continue to add more features onto existing systems.
On the software side SineNomine Software will be making the long trip to a southern show for the first time, bringing new versions of the Impact Database, SuperDoku, and (if it is finished in time!) House Of Cards.
SoftRock Software are also making a rare appearance to show off WebChange and other useful utilities, while Mathmagical Software will have a treat for the eyes with the maths/art hybrid program Iconizer.
Fighting for the attention of your ears will be Quincy Coleman with his Music Creation System, and Michael Emerton with the MP3 jukebox RiscDJ.
In a mix of old and new on one stand, The Centre For Computing History will be demoing their new online versions of the Domesday System alongside an original BBC Master laserdisc version. See how far they have progressed already with the massive job of preserving the data and making it more widely available.
In the old but new (or is that new on old?) category, RetroClinic will have a selection of upgrades for your treasured BBC Micro, including USB support and gigabyte flash drive storage.
And that just covers the more unusual stuff! There will of course be software updates from MW Software, with an intriguing sounding "major new (double) feature" for EasiWriter, and RComp (who always keep their announcements to the last minute), Organizer, and RPCemu.
Archive and Qercus magazines will be present to tempt you with their latest issues. And if you have any software queries then Bernard Veasey will be manning RISC OS Helpdesk to give advice and assistance.
Of course ROUGOL themselves will be on hand to entice you along to the free monthly meetings. November's meeting has Stephen Streater of Eidos Technology fame as its guest speaker, which promises to be a fascinating evening.
There is a full theatre programme planned, but the timetable is still being finalised so keep an eye on the show website for the latest news.

The show will run from 11 AM to 5 PM, and entry costs £5 on the door.
  London show approaches
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Ian Cook Message #115648, posted by ilcook at 16:08, 17/10/2010
trainResident idiot
Posts: 1075
If like last year, will be enjoyable.

Note to self. See Chris E
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Peter Howkins Message #115649, posted by flibble at 16:27, 17/10/2010, in reply to message #115648

Posts: 891
My preparations are going well.
dscf1331.jpg 600x800 62.7KB

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John Albert Bullen Message #115650, posted by JohnB at 18:09, 17/10/2010, in reply to message #115648
Posts: 43
Sounds like it's a great show! A shame I'll be out of the country at the time as it would be good to see hands on how far along the Beagle port has progressed smile

Looking forward to reading people's write-ups of the event!
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Bryan Hogan Message #115651, posted by helpful at 18:34, 17/10/2010, in reply to message #115649
Posts: 253
Glad to see you've got your priorities right big smile
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Martin Bazley Message #115652, posted by swirlythingy at 19:57, 17/10/2010, in reply to message #115649

Posts: 460
Is there a limited edition?

Also, you can buy Lego flat-screen monitors nowadays?
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Bryan Hogan Message #115681, posted by helpful at 22:05, 18/10/2010, in reply to message #115652
Posts: 253
A bit of pre-show interactivity:

Both the Centre for Computing History and Chris Whytehead are exhibiting, but which of their many historic systems should they bring? Domesday is covered, but take a look at their collections and suggest what else you would like to see.



No guarantees, but this is your chance to influence the show!

Just don't say RISCix, that's what I asked, but none of them work :-( If anyone has a working RISCiX system, do get in touch.
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Philip Webster Message #115685, posted by pwx at 15:38, 19/10/2010, in reply to message #115681
Posts: 227
There's an archive of a RISCiX installation somewhere on the Web. I can PM you the location of it if you want. I have no idea if it works or not though.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115688, posted by trevj at 19:20, 19/10/2010, in reply to message #115681
Posts: 660
Centre for Computing History:
  • BT Merlin M2105
  • Acorn Briefcase Communicator
  • Xemplar Matrix NC
Chris Whytehead:
  • Archimedes A540 (with Econet if there's time/space/facilities to investigate setting it up?)
  • Phoebe 2100
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Bryan Hogan Message #115705, posted by helpful at 12:30, 21/10/2010, in reply to message #115685
Posts: 253
There's an archive of a RISCiX installation somewhere on the Web. I can PM you the location of it if you want. I have no idea if it works or not though.
Thanks, send it to me and I'll pass it on to Chris and the CCH just in case they don't know about it. Use one of the email addresses from the ROUGOL website:

But it turns out the Chris has got some of his RISCiX machines working, so they will be at the show big smile

I've also suggested the Briefcase Communicator to CCH and they are going to see if it will fit in the car with the other stuff they are bringing!
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Peter Howkins Message #115707, posted by flibble at 18:04, 21/10/2010, in reply to message #115688

Posts: 891
Chris Whytehead:
  • Phoebe 2100
Chris doesn't have a Phoebe, but my psuedo-phoebe will be on the RPCEmu stand, running RO 3.80 amongst others for added authenticity smile

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Joel Grounds Message #115713, posted by iomanoid at 23:36, 21/10/2010, in reply to message #115707
Posts: 23
Damn, before I clicked that I was actually hoping it was made of yellow lego tongue
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Trevor Johnson Message #115715, posted by trevj at 07:46, 22/10/2010, in reply to message #115707
Posts: 660
Chris Whytehead:
  • Phoebe 2100
Chris doesn't have a Phoebe,
Doh! blush
but my psuedo-phoebe will be on the RPCEmu stand, running RO 3.80 amongst others for added authenticity smile
Great! smile
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VinceH Message #115720, posted by VincceH at 09:37, 22/10/2010, in reply to message #115707
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Sue do Phoebe? Oooh. That sounds fun. Can I watch? naughty

Meanwhile, I'm due at a client in about half an hour, and I'm heading straight from there to the St Giles Hotel. Do you think it's time I started packing my stuff up yet?
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Trevor Johnson Message #115721, posted by trevj at 09:49, 22/10/2010, in reply to message #115720
Posts: 660
WebChange, BARUG leaflets, toothbrush, pants. Sorted?
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VinceH Message #115722, posted by VincceH at 10:18, 22/10/2010, in reply to message #115721
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
WebChange, BARUG leaflets, toothbrush, pants. Sorted?
Check, check, check, and <sniff> check!

I'm late and I'm off!
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Trevor Johnson Message #115723, posted by trevj at 11:48, 22/10/2010, in reply to message #115722
Posts: 660
I take it you've got your computer etc. too!

Nice preview write-up, BTW.
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Chris Evans Message #115727, posted by CJE at 06:55, 23/10/2010, in reply to message #115648
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Photodesk users should bring there existing CD with them!
Other new goodies on show as wellbig smile
See you all there.
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Hilary Phillips Message #115730, posted by HilaryP at 15:17, 23/10/2010, in reply to message #115648
Posts: 2
In case anybody was wondering about the Sine Nomine software offerings, I did finish House of Cards in time - just! and somehow found the time to produce a new version of DrawPrint too. Assuming Matthew made it to the show he will have been demonstrating those as well as the latest versions of Impact and SuperDoku. All our new releases are at http://sinenomine.co.uk/software/ for those who (like me unhappy) couldn't make the show.

[Edited by HilaryP at 15:19, 23/10/2010]
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Martin Bazley Message #115731, posted by swirlythingy at 18:24, 23/10/2010, in reply to message #115730

Posts: 460
I did finish House of Cards in time - just!
Ah, yes, that would have been the one he told me contained a one character bug which he only discovered after having burned 30+ show CDs. tongue
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Hilary Phillips Message #115733, posted by HilaryP at 20:04, 23/10/2010, in reply to message #115731
Posts: 2
Yes... blush (26 CDs actually) but I did at least get it fixed by midnight last night, so in time for Matthew to take the reliably working version 1.04 to demonstrate wink

And then having woken up at 5 am so Matthew could catch the train I spent the next hour uploading all our new releases onto the website to fit it in before the boys woke up...

Was it a good show, anyway?

[Edited by HilaryP at 20:06, 23/10/2010]
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Martin Bazley Message #115734, posted by swirlythingy at 21:26, 23/10/2010, in reply to message #115733

Posts: 460
Definitely worth the ticket price. The most interesting part was probably the ROOL talk, where Steve Revill and a guy who was attracted to the RISC OS scene by the new, easily available hardware and almost-open-source OS (yes, folks, it does happen!) bounced ideas off each other. The theory is currently about adopting the Amiga scene's bribes incentives scheme for getting features implemented, although ROOL probably need to sort out a vague order in which the items in their roadmap need to be implemented first (whether, say, non-rectangular and transparent windows need to be a matter of higher priority than multi-core and floating point support).

I bumped into the same guy again on the train back from Feltham, and he told me he'd been employed by Nokia, which had spun off Symbian into an open-source company. Apparently this led directly to the creation of the BeagleBoard, since the open-source company wanted an open-source platform for their army of bedroom hackers to port to without giving out actual phone hardware, so Texas Instruments was comissioned to make a board almost, but not quite, like one found in a mobile phone.

As this backstory suggests, the BeagleBoard in its original form was originally intended to be a mobile phone platform, but apparently that was something of a flop. Then ROOL latched onto it round about revision B6 (by which time it had already accumulated ports of several other OSes), and, a few years on, Colin (for 'twas his name) discovered how far it had progressed and started taking a practical interest. He said it had come as a complete surprise to release hardware intended for Symbian into the wild and see it suddenly acquire a rash of whole new OSes, one of which he hadn't even heard of!

(I dare say, on the recent TIB record, he'll now pop up with a new account and point out exactly how much of my hazy recollection above is wrong.)

PS: I seriously considered buying a copy of Impact, but it's quite a lot of money and I want to test it more thoroughly first.

PPS: But at least I finally own a ROOL T-shirt. Whee, aren't I stylish? Cool Dude

EDIT: Woot, post #150!

[Edited by swirlythingy at 21:28, 23/10/2010]
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George Greenfield Message #115737, posted by Bucksboy at 12:48, 24/10/2010, in reply to message #115734
Posts: 91
Good show, enjoyed and encouraged by the ROOL talk and discussion, bought upgrades to Photodesk and Easiwriter, saw and played with the future (absurdly tiny BB-Xm, /very/ responsive desktop and virtually instantaneous Artworks' 'Apple' rendering). All in all, an afternoon well-spent!
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Bryan Hogan Message #115738, posted by helpful at 18:36, 24/10/2010, in reply to message #115734
Posts: 253
a guy who was attracted to the RISC OS scene by the new, easily available hardware and almost-open-source OS
You should come to ROUGOL more often, then you would have already met him big smile We picked him up (so to speak) at the VCF earlier this year, where he had come to see the Amiga stuff but was attracted by the Beagleboard demos on the ROUGOL and ROOL stands.

It does show that it is possible to get new people interested in RISC OS if the publicity is done and there is an easy and cheap enough way for someone to give it a try. ROOL are of course trying to address both of these, but they will need the help of all of us too.
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Bryan Hogan Message #115739, posted by helpful at 19:16, 24/10/2010, in reply to message #115737
Posts: 253
Good show ... All in all, an afternoon well-spent!
Glad you enjoyed it!

BTW, is anyone doing a write up for Iconbar?
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Trevor Johnson Message #115740, posted by trevj at 20:07, 24/10/2010, in reply to message #115738
Posts: 660
A big thank you to Bryan, ROUGOL and all their helpers for arranging such a successful show. big grin

And an even bigger thank you to Jeffrey for giving so many people an extra reason to attend. Cool Dude
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VinceH Message #115741, posted by VincceH at 09:10, 25/10/2010, in reply to message #115723
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
I take it you've got your computer etc. too!
I did initially forget something - the stand for my monitor - so it's actually a good job I chose to work on Friday and head off in the direction of London straight from the client's office.

I realised I'd left it at home when I was about half way between there and the office, so I turned around and headed home to collect it. If I hadn't been heading for the client, I would have been on the motorway, travelling much faster, and so much further away from home.

Nice preview write-up, BTW.
Shame my pictures are rubbish. Seriously. Utter, utter rubbish. I blame the fact that the show took place inside a building, instead of half way up a mountain. Taking photos in that sort of environment is a totally alien concept to me. (As is the fact that there are people in them - the vast majority of my photos include precisely zero people, because I don't like having people in my photos.)

Still, I'll play around with them and try my best to tidy them up later, then I'll upload them.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115743, posted by trevj at 10:54, 25/10/2010, in reply to message #115741
Posts: 660
Shame my pictures are rubbish. Seriously. Utter, utter rubbish... Still, I'll play around with them and try my best to tidy them up later, then I'll upload them.
But at least you've not mislaid/left your camera's battery charger on holiday like I appear to have done unhappy

If you've a photo of RO on the TB, that'd be good for the AI wiki page (as per email I just copied you in on).
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VinceH Message #115744, posted by VincceH at 11:11, 25/10/2010, in reply to message #115743
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Shame my pictures are rubbish. Seriously. Utter, utter rubbish... Still, I'll play around with them and try my best to tidy them up later, then I'll upload them.
But at least you've not mislaid/left your camera's battery charger on holiday like I appear to have done unhappy
I've done that with a phone charger before, though - in Spain. Luckily, it could be charged from USB until I was able to collect the charger on my next trip (it was at a friend's place over there).

If you've a photo of RO on the TB, that'd be good for the AI wiki page (as per email I just copied you in on).
Just saw the email. I don't have one - my pictures of the ROOL stand were taken from the opposite wall and, unfortunately, in both there is someone hunched over the computer.

I'm sure I've seen a photo quite recently, though - which means there's probably one online somewhere; it just needs to be found and the owner identified to obtain permission.
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Martin Bazley Message #115753, posted by swirlythingy at 02:03, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115744

Posts: 460
If you've a photo of RO on the TB, that'd be good for the AI wiki page (as per email I just copied you in on).
Is it just me, or is there already a photo of RO on the TB on that page?
Just saw the email. I don't have one - my pictures of the ROOL stand were taken from the opposite wall and, unfortunately, in both there is someone hunched over the computer.
Sorry - that was probably me! (Star Fighter 3000 really was not meant to be played on a laptop keyboard, although the key configuration window helped a lot.)

I should have taken my own camera, really - I took photos last year, but I sent them off to ROUGOL and never saw them again.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115755, posted by trevj at 09:06, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115753
Posts: 660
Is it just me, or is there already a photo of RO on the TB on that page?
Yes, there is now (but there wasn't, then). wink
Sorry - that was probably me! (Star Fighter 3000 really was not meant to be played on a laptop keyboard, although the key configuration window helped a lot.)
I couldn't even remember the keys and didn't spend enough time to redefine them. Must dig out my original copy of this!
I should have taken my own camera, really - I took photos last year, but I sent them off to ROUGOL and never saw them again.
I took a few last year, too. Are your photos included in the show media gallery?

[Edited by trevj at 09:11, 26/10/2010]
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The Icon Bar: News and features: London show approaches