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The Icon Bar: News and features: November News Dump

November News Dump

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 12:48, 27/11/2001 | , , , , , , ,
That old problem, work, has gotten in the way again, not helped by the lost weekend trying to get my Phoebe case to accept my RiscPC motherboard - there's so much metal chopped out so far that I've blunted one hacksaw and had to buy two buckets of Lego to shore things up. So anyway, here's an eclectic collection of bits and pieces for this month...

Birmingham show heads up
It's 1st December folks, put it in your dairy. More details from The ARM Club website. One interesting nugget of info is that John Cartmell will be selling board games produced using RISC OS machines.

Acorn User: the saga continues
Tau Press has moved, which it seems to do about once a year now:
  28a Middle Hillgate, Stockport SK1 3AY, UK
  Tel: (+44/0) 161 429 8902 Fax: (+44/0) 161 429 0685

Apparently January 2002 (February edition) will see a new look AU with more articles and a new viewpoint. Discounted prices and better WHSmiths distribution are also promised. However, they are still looking for a dedicated (yet part time) editor. They're looking for comments, and I'm sure you'll be happy to oblige...

Michael Stubbs almost as persistent as Andrew Rawnsley
The persistence award is in danger of passing from R-Comp, who usually post at least one message per product around show time, to Melotech, who don't seem to need a show to shout about their services. Although I don't generally use the news page as an advertising forum such doggedness surely deserves a little something, so go to Melotech's website for special Christmas prices and free delivery on hardware and software, including reconditioned StrongARM RiscPCs. You can even download EasyGCC, a freeware GCC compiler for those of us not overly familiar with C.

Software roundup
New and improved software not (yet) added to the list on the right hand side of the TIB index page includes:

Image Software (insert RG's usual disclaimer of semi-affiliation) have released Money Manager 2001, which looks like it's an MS Money-like personal accounts manager. It'll even import QIF files, so you can import bank statements etc. without resorting to MS software. It costs just shy of thirty of your earth pounds inc. VAT and UK P&P. There are also updates to the Posum/EBMS total business management software; and to Nutmeg, the Oregano cache.

Amongst the freeware there's Phil Hardy's MSN Messenger beta (http://www.phardy.karoo.net/MSNMess/); The PDF viewer by Colin Granville (et al) has been updated (http://pdf.iconbar.com/); the WebJames web server has had some security fixes; and slightly specialised but pretty cool, there's LanMoC, for using a 3-Com LAN modem under RISC OS (http://melhuish.info/simon/projects/index.html#lanmoc).

And that's it for this update. No doubt you non-graphical types will welcome the break with tradition - no mention of any ArtWorks modules or Vantage upgrades. Although Vantage 1.02 is imminent...
  November News Dump
  (13:52 27/11/2001)
  Richard Goodwin (15:18 27/11/2001)
    Jon Hall (21:48 27/11/2001)
      Andrew Weston (10:06 28/11/2001)
        Robert (13:32 28/11/2001)
          Lee Johnston (09:09 29/11/2001)
            Andrew Weston (10:29 29/11/2001)
              Mr Jake Monkeyson (18:10 29/11/2001)
                Gunnlaugur Jonsson (19:23 29/11/2001)
                  Richard Goodwin (10:32 30/11/2001)
                    Mr Jake Monkeyson (17:26 1/12/2001)
                      mentat (09:13 3/12/2001)
                        Andrew Poole (09:20 3/12/2001)
                          John Hoare (09:45 3/12/2001)
Andrew Weston Message #89457, posted at 13:52, 27/11/2001
Unregistered user But not TopModel - aaargh!!!

P.S. Rich, can I play with your lego? ;-)
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Richard Goodwin Message #89458, posted at 15:18, 27/11/2001, in reply to message #89457
Unregistered user You're obsessed with TopModel! Stop fiddling with it man!

And no, my Lego is holding up the motherboard, so no playing with it. I need a couple more buckets to get the hard disk array up and running. And a second Compaq PSU to run them all =:-o
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Jon Hall Message #89459, posted at 21:48, 27/11/2001, in reply to message #89458
Unregistered user Mummm - LEGO,

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Andrew Weston Message #89460, posted at 10:06, 28/11/2001, in reply to message #89459
Unregistered user Rich - you'd be suprised at what it can do!
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Robert Message #89461, posted at 13:32, 28/11/2001, in reply to message #89460
Unregistered user Yes, what's happened to TopModel. It seems to have gone very quiet - it isn't even mentioned in the glossy poster they had bundled in with this months Archive...
Wasn't the release supposed to have been held back so that the Vantage release didn't obscure it? Kind of suggested it was (nearly) ready for launch.
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Lee Johnston Message #89462, posted at 09:09, 29/11/2001, in reply to message #89461
Unregistered user At the RISC OS 2001 show Nick basically said that the software was being held up by the rewrite of the manual. I believe he is right to hold it back until there is a manual capable of doing the software justice.

Note he also said that the manual was likely to be the major upgrade for the first release and that the software itself is not likely to have changed much.

Finally the reason Andrew is obsessed with Top Model is simply that he's relying on it to create graphics for his games. No Top Model no progress.
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Andrew Weston Message #89463, posted at 10:29, 29/11/2001, in reply to message #89462
Unregistered user And taking a look at some of the screenshots of say Civilisation III in Edge magazine, I don't want to rest til I'm that good ;-))
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #89464, posted at 18:10, 29/11/2001, in reply to message #89463
Unregistered user How can I put the first of December into my dairy???
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Gunnlaugur Jonsson Message #89465, posted at 19:23, 29/11/2001, in reply to message #89464
Unregistered user Now Jake, that could be a bit tricky :)
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Richard Goodwin Message #89466, posted at 10:32, 30/11/2001, in reply to message #89465
Unregistered user That's the thing about spell checkers - they'll make sure you post perfectly formed garbage :)

Now, if only there was a spell checker that would say what I meant, not what I wrote...
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Mr Jake Monkeyson Message #89467, posted at 17:26, 1/12/2001, in reply to message #89466
Unregistered user I wonder if we could get MicroDigital to use it? Then when they wrote 'months' it would replace it with 'years'!
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mentat Message #89468, posted at 09:13, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #89467
Unregistered user Cheers Jake, that brought a much needed smile this monday morning! (that reminds me, someone's eat my risc pc deadline is approaching too...!)
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Andrew Poole Message #89469, posted at 09:20, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #89468
Unregistered user Don't eat RiscPCs, they're a tad crunchy.
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John Hoare Message #89470, posted at 09:45, 3/12/2001, in reply to message #89469
Unregistered user Don't remind me... :(
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The Icon Bar: News and features: November News Dump