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The Icon Bar: News and features: Oregano 3 could be close... [Updated]

Oregano 3 could be close... [Updated]

Posted by Andrew Duffell on 12:28, 12/3/2005 | , , ,
oreganoIt really does look like the RISC OS browser market is going to get intresting. Richard Brown from Oregano UK has informed mailing list subscribers that they are "about to commit a significant amount of money to bring out Oregano3 and I would like if possible to gauge the response/uptake to this".

Richard wants users to send their comments (but no questions) to yes(at)oreganouk.net, so that he can see the response. The full specification of Oregano 3 is not known yet, but development has been moving faster recently.

Update: Leo White has kindly taken some screenshots of the latest Oregan TV Interactor for us:

Link: Oregano UK Ltd
  Oregano 3 could be close... [Updated]
  ad (12:52 12/3/2005)
  mavhc (15:33 12/3/2005)
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                  flibble (14:50 15/3/2005)
                    fwibbler (20:26 15/3/2005)
Andrew Duffell Message #93380, posted by ad at 12:52, 12/3/2005

Posts: 3262
After Oregano 2 being so slow, and crashing a lot, I doubt I'll be getting O3.
I still use O1 most of the time with no problems, and only get O2/NetSurf out for "problem sites".
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Mark Scholes Message #93381, posted by mavhc at 15:33, 12/3/2005, in reply to message #93380
Posts: 660
Just wait for the review.

This of course conflicts with the preordering system half of RISC OS software seems to have now, which can only work if your previous track record is good.

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Martin Wynn Message #93382, posted by Mart at 20:45, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93381
Posts: 8
I find it very difficult to get all excited over a few pictures of web pages. Perhaps I am missing somthing here but if I wanted to guage the reaction to a 'new' product I would as a minimum release a few key specs. As it is the pictures were not even supplied by Oregano UK.
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Andrew Duffell Message #93383, posted by ad at 21:16, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93382

Posts: 3262
I asked Leo for the pictures based on my own assumption that Oregano 3 will be based on that renderer, and to show the improvment of rendering of a few sites.
To be honest I think OreganoUKs stance of not saying much is really bad. :|
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Peter Howkins Message #93384, posted by flibble at 21:23, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93383

Posts: 891
Flash 5, CSS2 (CSS-TV subset), HTML4, DOM2. Whilst not complete implimentation of every spec, it's the important/most used bits of all.
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Andrew Duffell Message #93385, posted by ad at 22:07, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93384

Posts: 3262
From the screenshots, the CSS support seems good.
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fwibbler Message #93386, posted by fwibbler at 22:18, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93385

Posts: 320
Perhaps, but those screenshots don't show anything that isn't available through Netsurf and Oregano 1.
All those site can be displayed equally well by one or the other browser.
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Andrew Duffell Message #93387, posted by ad at 22:42, 14/3/2005, in reply to message #93386

Posts: 3262
The W3, and BBC site are displayed badly by O1, and the W3 badly by O2.
NetSurf displays the BBC site badly.
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fwibbler Message #93388, posted by fwibbler at 11:11, 15/3/2005, in reply to message #93387

Posts: 320
Like I said, one /or/ the other.
The other side of the coin to what you said is that Netsurf displays iconbar and w3 fine and oregano displays bbc fine (and Iconbar).

What I would have liked to see is Oregano 3 displaying sites that none of our current browsers can display. I've seen no sign of that though.

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Peter Howkins Message #93389, posted by flibble at 14:50, 15/3/2005, in reply to message #93388

Posts: 891

Leo has more screenshots at
some of those are well beyond what any current RO Browser can do, CSS Zen Garden, Position is Everything and VW in particular.

Note, some screenshots have Oregano2 in the title bar ... it's cos we've not changed it yet, not that O2 has super secret code to make it l33t.

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fwibbler Message #93390, posted by fwibbler at 20:26, 15/3/2005, in reply to message #93389

Posts: 320
Thanks for that. Much more impressive and a good indication of what O3 will be capable of.
Netsurf failed to render everyone of those sites correctly.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Oregano 3 could be close... [Updated]