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The Icon Bar: News and features: What is your current RISC OS setup? (Ed Smale)

What is your current RISC OS setup? (Ed Smale)

Posted by Mark Stephens on 08:16, 30/3/2020 | ,
I play for an amateur theatre company, and was getting ready to be the orchestra for Jekyll & Hyde the musical in May, but that's on hold now because of the pandemic.

There's an A4000 in there, which I'm not currently using, but I used it for the last show I did. It was rock-solid, but I wanted something smaller, so I'm now using a mini.m (see if you can spot it!).
The piano and pedals connect to the mini.m as MIDI input, and the mini.m then transmits via MIDI to the sound module. The MIDI interface is an iConnectivity midi mio 1-in 1-out USB To MIDI Interface.
The mouse mat is the detachable keyboard from a Microsoft Surface tablet that I no longer use...
It all works very nicely, and it's given me something to focus on whilst having to stay in the house all the time!
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  What is your current RISC OS setup? (Ed Smale)
  markee174 (09:49 30/3/2020)
  edwardsmale (09:49 15/4/2020)
Mark Stephens Message #124773, posted by markee174 at 09:49, 30/3/2020
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 149
Any complaints from the rest of the family/neighbours? My daughter has decided to learn to play the saxophone and getting the usual family jokes about how we might risk going out in preference to being trapped inside.
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Ed Smale Message #124799, posted by edwardsmale at 09:49, 15/4/2020, in reply to message #124773
Posts: 1
Sorry I didn't reply to this - I was having problems registering an account... sorted now though.

I do these musicals with my wife - she roped me in in the first place - so she doesn't mind. The kids don't really have a choice (they're 9 and 7 years old so at the moment they do as they're told!), but in any case they don't seem to be that bothered. Sometimes my daughter joins in with the singing which is nice. My son was going round singing 'Murder, Murder' from Jekyll & Hyde at one point, which was cute but not ideal!

I'm sure it will be worth enduring the saxophone practice in the end. Trickier in the present circumstances though... Maybe you could get earplugs?!

[Edited by edwardsmale at 10:04, 15/4/2020]
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The Icon Bar: News and features: What is your current RISC OS setup? (Ed Smale)