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The Icon Bar: News and features: London show approaches

London show approaches

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 23:48, 15/10/2010 | , ,
Saturday October 23rd marks the date for this year's RISC OS London Show, located at the St Giles Hotel in London.
Show organiser and ROUGOL frontman Bryan Hogan got in touch to give us the full skinny, which you can find after the break.

The second RISC OS London Show is nearly upon us and ROUGOL (RISC OS User Group Of London) have been working hard(ish) to make sure it again offers up a mix of new and old.
There will be many new and updated things to see at the show. On the hardware side there is the first ever 1GHz RISC OS machine in the form of the new Beagleboard-xM.
Then there is the Always Innovating Touchbook which is now also able to run RISC OS, making it the first ARM powered RISC OS laptop since Acorn's A4 over 15 years ago.
For exciting ROTM hardware action, there will be new robots to see and play with on the RISControl/BeebControl stand.
RISC OS Open Ltd will be there to give the latest news on developments of the operating system to support new hardware devices and to improve the user experience.
For RiscPCs and emulators, RISC OS Ltd will have the latest updates to RISC OS Six as they continue to add more features onto existing systems.
On the software side SineNomine Software will be making the long trip to a southern show for the first time, bringing new versions of the Impact Database, SuperDoku, and (if it is finished in time!) House Of Cards.
SoftRock Software are also making a rare appearance to show off WebChange and other useful utilities, while Mathmagical Software will have a treat for the eyes with the maths/art hybrid program Iconizer.
Fighting for the attention of your ears will be Quincy Coleman with his Music Creation System, and Michael Emerton with the MP3 jukebox RiscDJ.
In a mix of old and new on one stand, The Centre For Computing History will be demoing their new online versions of the Domesday System alongside an original BBC Master laserdisc version. See how far they have progressed already with the massive job of preserving the data and making it more widely available.
In the old but new (or is that new on old?) category, RetroClinic will have a selection of upgrades for your treasured BBC Micro, including USB support and gigabyte flash drive storage.
And that just covers the more unusual stuff! There will of course be software updates from MW Software, with an intriguing sounding "major new (double) feature" for EasiWriter, and RComp (who always keep their announcements to the last minute), Organizer, and RPCemu.
Archive and Qercus magazines will be present to tempt you with their latest issues. And if you have any software queries then Bernard Veasey will be manning RISC OS Helpdesk to give advice and assistance.
Of course ROUGOL themselves will be on hand to entice you along to the free monthly meetings. November's meeting has Stephen Streater of Eidos Technology fame as its guest speaker, which promises to be a fascinating evening.
There is a full theatre programme planned, but the timetable is still being finalised so keep an eye on the show website for the latest news.

The show will run from 11 AM to 5 PM, and entry costs £5 on the door.
  London show approaches
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Martin Bazley Message #115758, posted by swirlythingy at 12:24, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115755

Posts: 460
Sorry - that was probably me! (Star Fighter 3000 really was not meant to be played on a laptop keyboard, although the key configuration window helped a lot.)
I couldn't even remember the keys and didn't spend enough time to redefine them. Must dig out my original copy of this!
<plug by proxy>

Did you know that if you have the original floppy disc version, you can download a free patch to upgrade it to the ARMv7-safe (and copy protection-free) one?

</plug by proxy>
I took a few last year, too. Are your photos included in the show media gallery?
No - I checked last year, too.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115761, posted by trevj at 14:35, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115758
Posts: 660

<plug by proxy>

...download a free patch...

</plug by proxy>
Thanks - I did hear about that but just haven't done it yet.
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Peter Howkins Message #115763, posted by flibble at 17:18, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115758

Posts: 891
Here are some photos of this year's show


They will end up on the official site once I can free up some space. Also if anyone has any other photos of the show (this year's or last) I'd be happy to put them on the official site.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115765, posted by trevj at 20:30, 26/10/2010, in reply to message #115763
Posts: 660
Here are some photos of this year's show...
A sneak preview - thanks!
Also if anyone has any other photos of the show (this year's or last) I'd be happy to put them on the official site.
I have 13 photos from the 2009 RUOGOL show. I'm guessing that 4000x3000 hi-res ~5MB each is a bit OTT. What should I resize them to before I place them somewhere for you to have a look at?
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VinceH Message #115768, posted by VincceH at 00:01, 27/10/2010, in reply to message #115763
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Here are some photos of this year's show
They're good. They make the ones I took look like absolute rubbish.

Oh, no, hang on, that's not right. Your pictures don't make mine look like rubbish - they are rubbish without any help from yours. smile
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Trevor Johnson Message #115780, posted by trevj at 22:41, 28/10/2010, in reply to message #115765
Posts: 660
Also if anyone has any other photos of the show (this year's or last) I'd be happy to put them on the official site.
I have 13 photos from the 2009 RUOGOL show. I'm guessing that 4000x3000 hi-res ~5MB each is a bit OTT. What should I resize them to before I place them somewhere for you to have a look at?
Or take your pick from these thumbnails (which would probably be less pixellated if I'd used Acorn's ChangeFSI rather than IrfanView on this laptop).

1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524
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Eric Rucker Message #115789, posted by bhtooefr at 12:07, 31/10/2010, in reply to message #115780
Posts: 337
IrfanView does have Lanczos resampling as an option...
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Peter Howkins Message #115790, posted by flibble at 12:59, 31/10/2010, in reply to message #115780

Posts: 891
Also if anyone has any other photos of the show (this year's or last) I'd be happy to put them on the official site.
I have 13 photos from the 2009 RUOGOL show. I'm guessing that 4000x3000 hi-res ~5MB each is a bit OTT. What should I resize them to before I place them somewhere for you to have a look at?
Or take your pick from these thumbnails (which would probably be less pixellated if I'd used Acorn's ChangeFSI rather than IrfanView on this laptop).
TBH, if you can, put the original hi-res ones up somewhere, I'll download and resize them. Or if that's too much space, 800x600 is the res I'm currently using for final images.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115795, posted by trevj at 14:57, 2/11/2010, in reply to message #115790
Posts: 660
...put the original hi-res ones up somewhere...
Will do, when I can fit it in.

And I've just remembered something from ROL's talk: the latest RO6 can obtain EDID info from a display and decode it to set screen modes. PM demonstrated this feature (on a real RiscPC, not via emulation). Did anyone ask him any technical questions about this?
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Jeffrey Lee Message #115796, posted by Phlamethrower at 16:45, 2/11/2010, in reply to message #115795
PhlamethrowerHot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot stuff

Posts: 15100
And I've just remembered something from ROL's talk: the latest RO6 can obtain EDID info from a display and decode it to set screen modes. PM demonstrated this feature (on a real RiscPC, not via emulation). Did anyone ask him any technical questions about this?
RO Select/6 has been able to do this for a few years now, hasn't it? Or am I just getting confused with something that used to be Viewfinder-specific?

(and unless I'm mistaken, for it to work on a RiscPC it would have to be via a Viewfinder or V-pod)
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Trevor Johnson Message #115799, posted by trevj at 18:49, 2/11/2010, in reply to message #115796
Posts: 660
RO Select/6 has been able to do this for a few years now, hasn't it? Or am I just getting confused with something that used to be Viewfinder-specific?

(and unless I'm mistaken, for it to work on a RiscPC it would have to be via a Viewfinder or V-pod)
You're right - my mistake.
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Peter Howkins Message #115847, posted by flibble at 17:16, 10/11/2010, in reply to message #115799

Posts: 891
A quick note to let people know that the show theatre videos and extra pictures are now up on the site.

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Trevor Johnson Message #115850, posted by trevj at 19:56, 10/11/2010, in reply to message #115847
Posts: 660
Thanks. I'm looking forward to catching up on the videos of presentations I missed smile (And sorry for the continuing delay with my 2009 pics - I've never set up anonymous FTP access before and have run into a spot of bother. Anyway, I'll probably just give you a temporary login or provide you with links to download via HTTP.) P.S. "Photos by Micheal Emerton" could do with having the typo corrected when someone finds time.
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Trevor Johnson Message #115873, posted by trevj at 20:20, 15/11/2010, in reply to message #115761
Posts: 660

<plug by proxy>

...download a free patch...

</plug by proxy>
Thanks - I did hear about that but just haven't done it yet.
I've now retrieved my original floppy edition from the loft. It's almost 15 years old and was apparently ordered with an Acorn User subscription (a "free gift", perhaps?).

However, I only have Disc Two in the box. Disc One isn't in my RiscPC drive but it must be around somewhere... Anyway, according to the update instructions, I should be able to patch the HD installed version if I get that across from the RiscPC, so will give that a go some time smile
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Trevor Johnson Message #118852, posted by trevj at 04:22, 27/9/2011, in reply to message #115790
Posts: 660
800x600 is the res I'm currently using for final images.
I've finally uploaded them. There's also now a specific category at Wikimedia Commons, if anyone else feels like releasing free images.
IrfanView does have Lanczos resampling as an option...
I ticked the "Use Resample function (better quality)" in the batch advanced options, which seemed to make a visible difference.
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Bryan Hogan Message #118856, posted by helpful at 14:02, 27/9/2011, in reply to message #118852
Posts: 253
I've finally uploaded them
Just in time for this year's show!

Reminder that it is on Saturday 29th October big smile

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The Icon Bar: News and features: London show approaches